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7 Iconic Women On Twitter You Need To Follow And Their Best Tweets

7 Iconic Women On Twitter You Need To Follow And Their Best Tweets

Twitter isn’t always the most reliable place to get your news from and it’s been the forum for far too many conversations that should have happened off-screen, but that doesn’t make it any less entertaining. Here are seven women who are prolific tweeters, and always bring insight, perspective, and wry humor to their online personas. For feminist tidbits and daily disasters alike, you’ll want to start following these women immediately.

1. Feminist Author Roxane Gay / @rgay

Roxane Gay is the author of Bad Feminist, Difficult Women, and Hunger, and her take no prisoners attitude toward misogyny and racism make her a powerhouse writer and even bolder Tweeter. Her tweets call out everything from everyday acts of racism, to upcoming book news and media commentary. If you’re looking for constant entertainment and a backbone of steel, follow @rgay.


2. Millennial Politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @Ocasio2018

Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as AOC) is new to Congress and unafraid to voice her mind. She’s known for calling out Trump’s racist comments, voicing her political stances in an accessible manner, and supporting people from all walks of life. If you want to follow a representative who is as transparent as she is successful, check out @Ocasio2018.

3. Queer Author Kristen Arnett / @Kristen_Arnett

Kristen Arnett is an author who just published the New York Times bestseller Mostly Dead Things. Her Twitter account, however, is very much alive. She’s queer and enjoys (a lot of) beer and wine, and tweets about her daily struggles and love of 7/11 with complete seriousness. @Kristen_Arnett is down to earth and hilarious, making her a must follow even if you don’t want to read about a family of taxidermists in Central Florida.


4. Feminist Founder Andi Zeisler / @andizeisler

Co-founder of B*tch Media, a feminist news organization, Andi Zeisler’s Twitter feed is a mix of her opinions and promotion for pressing feminist stories. She is blunt and unapologetic in her opinions and feed, and it’s never a boring addition to your day. Follow @andizeisler for your daily dose of feminist wrath.


5. Comedy Star & Youtuber Anna Akana / @AnnaAkana

Anna Akana is a Youtuber with almost two million followers thanks to her short comedic videos about her life, cats, and never-ending quest for self-improvement. She’s expanded into film making, production, and singing, and her talented persona extends to her Twitter account. She’s not afraid to discuss mental health or call out abusers, and mixes her entertaining feed with frequent truth bombs. Follow @AnnaAkana if you love cats, self-help books, or laughing.

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6. Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris / @KamalaHarris

Democratic presidential candidate and Californian senator Kamala Harris is known for her succinct tweets about policy and her endless human rights campaigns. Her personal struggles mix with her endless empathy for those in need and make every tweet a powerful statement on equality. @KamalaHarris is working to unite the county, one 280 character message at a time.

7. Social Justice Blogger Melissa McEwan / @Shakestweetz

Melissa McEwan founded a blog called Shakesville which tackles social justice issues. She’s perpetually witty and thoughtful and isn’t afraid to voice her genuine opinions, even if they are sometimes controversial. The account, @Shakestweetz, is named for her blog and is just as impactful as her official content.


What women on your feed inspire and encourage you every day? Comment down below the politicians, performers, writers, and comedy queens who make your feed as entertaining as it is empowering! If you’re feeling extra ambitious, screenshot some of their best tweets and leave them down below as well!

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