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I Went With No Dairy For Three Weeks And Here’s What Happened

I Went With No Dairy For Three Weeks And Here’s What Happened

Implementing no dairy in your diet might seem like a daunting task. If you try it, you might encounter loads of benefits. Here's what happened for me.

Implementing no dairy in your diet might seem like a daunting task. If you try it, you might encounter loads of benefits. Here’s what happened when I went with no dairy for three weeks.

1. Bye-Bye Stomach Issues

Having lactose intolerance issues? Well, don’t fret. Try implementing no dairy in your diet, it might help ease your pain. Plan on saying goodbye to those awful stomach cramps, and headaches.

If you eat dairy on a regular basis, slowly wean it out of your diet so that you don’t have many withdrawal symptoms. Thankfully, I experienced very few, but still had the occasional craving for yummy chocolate milk.


2. Bloat Be Gone

Remember those awesome high-waist jeans you just bought? Well, with practically no dairy in your diet, you should be able to slip them on with ease. Bloating is a major issue I faced when dairy was included in my diet.

Now, that I am on a no dairy regimen, those cute jeans now fit more comfortably. Guaranteed, bloating is a constant in my life, however no dairy seemed to reduce the amount of bloating I experienced.

3. No More Dairy Cravings

No. More. Cravings. Is a blessing. Sometimes all you really want is a big ol’ glass of chocolate milk, and extra-cheesy Cheetos puffs. Your taste buds might be screaming thank you, but your stomach has a different idea.


Before I went with no dairy, my cravings ranged from chocolate milk and cookies, to ice cream, and whipped cream. All of which were made with dairy products. By the second week, my cravings were subsiding, and I felt healthier.

4. Say Hello to Clearer Skin

Thanks to no dairy in my diet, and an improved skincare regimen my skin was glowing. Say goodbye to those constant breakouts, and hello to clearer skin.

Be sure that you are also maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet, as those can also improve the look and feel of your skin. Currently, I am still maintaining the no dairy diet, and have continued to experience clearer skin.

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5. Lapses Happen

Don’t worry if it’s too hard to implement. During the second week, I mistakenly ordered a strawberry milkshake. Halfway through it, I realized my mistake. My stomach also noticed.

Lapsing is completely normal, and can happen to anyone. In doing so, actually made me realize that dairy affected my gut, and caused stomach pain.


6. Dairy Substitutes

You’re in a rush and can only eat cereal, but wait, you’re on the no dairy diet. Well, no worries there are plenty of non-dairy substitutes out there. No milk was hard for me. Most of the food I ate was made with some sort of dairy product.

Almond milk will become your best friend. To spice up your meals try using coconut or vanilla flavored almond milk. Being a coffee plus creamer drinker, flavored almond milk and sugar were my go-to.

Implementing a no dairy diet for three weeks was difficult at first, but it’s totally doable. Share your no dairy story with us below!
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