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I Was About 8 Years Old When I Cut Off Part Of My Thumb

I Was About 8 Years Old When I Cut Off Part Of My Thumb

I Was About 8 Years Old When I Cut Off Part Of My Thumb

Cutting off part one of your fingers! Imagine waking up one day and not knowing that this is the day that I will have injured myself beyond imagination by simply using scissors. Unbelievable right, it’s amazing when you think of how every day brings in new surprises and adventures.

I hated Barbie Dolls With a Passion

Growing up, I think it was pretty hard for family members to accept the fact that I didn’t like playing with Barbie dolls at the tender age of 8 years old. When I say, “I hated Barbie Dolls,”  I really meant every word.

I can’t really tell you why, but I just never enjoyed playing with a plastic doll. My go-to toys were video games and board games, I also really enjoyed reading as well, so dolls never occupied any space in my head.


Yet instill, my aunts and family friends would continuously buy me dolls, if not dolls, it’s just a doll head. The purpose for the doll head was to learn how to braid and do hair so that when I get older, I would be able to do it myself. But that wasn’t something I was interested in either, so that was a fail.

Being Fed Up

I was tortured for about three years of this foolish, getting these stupid barbie dolls. I never understood the purpose of having Barbie dolls, especially because at the ages of 7-9, I wasn’t really a girlie girl to the extreme. I wasn’t a tomboy either, but I did prefer doing things like playing games and video games.

I remember vividly getting frustrated seeing all the Barbie dolls that had accumulated over the course of time and started destroying them all. I would take them and stripe them naked, cutting off all the hair that I possibly could and then proceed to break the arms and legs off.


You might be thinking, damn Toni, were you going through it. Lol. The answer is no, but that was the only way that I figure would make my family understand that I don’t want any more dolls being brought and given to me as gifts.

The Day Of The Incident

On this particular day, I had gone over my Aunt’s house, and forever reason, I had a Barbie doll over there. I was bored and decided to try and braid the dolls hair, try different hairstyles, but that all changed quickly.

I eventually started getting frustrated with myself because I couldn’t get it right, I kept trying and started getting angry. I picked up the scissors and started cutting off the hair.

See Also

I was holding the doll a certain way and when I started cutting off the hair somehow, someway my thumb was in the way and I ended up cutting a piece of my thumb. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt at all, I just was in shock and confused, lol.

Lesson Learned Greatly

A lesson a greatly learned after cutting off my thumb, after it happened, I remember getting in trouble and my Aunt saying “I’m calling your mother because that’s ridiculous”, I mean it is what is, it wasn’t bad.


All I needed was a bandage and some ointment honestly. Happy to say I never had a doll after that day. It really took me to injure myself for my family to see I wasn’t playing, shaking my head.

But you know what I do love, and have a passion for is my stuff animals. Not those stupid ass plastic things, called barbie dolls.

So there you have it, cutting off my thumb trying to destroy something I strongly disliked. Who can relate to this story, if so comment down below.

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