I Visited The Elephant Nature Park In Chang Mai And Here’s Why I Think Everybody Should

The elephant nature park is a place everyone should be aware of. Most people are not aware of the harm they are causing by being involved in what seems like a fun tourist attraction. Riding and elephant has become such a regular occurrence, it almost seems normal, as the saying goes “When in Thailand”. People all over the world visit Asia with the attention of crossing this off their bucket list. They are brainwashed by advertisements and what seem to be fun filled photographs, but where is the joy in an animal being tortured?
Everywhere you look in Thailand you see posters, flyers, tour excursion desks.
They are all promoting this. A few tourists sat amongst a harness looking happy as ever, but would they still be this happy knowing the extreme pain the Elephant is going through in order to accompany what they see as fun.
I could argue until blue in the face about why the whole concept of this is just disgusting. It cannot be justified as safe, or acceptable. Some people have argued that an Elephant is large enough, and therefore “made” or equipped to carry. What they do not realise is they couldn’t be further from the truth. You as a person may have the capability of carrying weight on your back, but does that mean you would do it with ease? If forced to do this repeatedly every day what would become of you physically and mentally.
I spent just over a month backpacking throughout Thailand.
During this time I carried a backpack of 20kg, whilst I am capable of this it does not mean that it wasn’t strenuous. This is especially difficult when walking in 35 degrees Celsius over a long period of time. However this was my choice and I had the freedom to stop whenever I felt it was too much, a choice the Elephants do not have.
It is hard to imagine how any human being could possibly harm an animal, but unfortunately it is the sad truth that this is a regular occurrence in Thailand. Elephants are captured and tortured, viciously stabbed with bull hooks, whipped and beaten within an inch of their life. This is what is called “breaking the spirit” of the Elephant and something that is happening today, all for the entertainments of tourists.
I met a lot of people when I was travelling, some of which informed me they were going to ride an Elephant, and although I feel so strongly about this I didn’t pass judgement.
The reason being that I understand most people are not aware of the harm that is caused when participating. It was only a couple of years ago I was taking a college class; we had a guest speaker who had come to talk about this very subject. He spoke about how Elephants where set on fire, scarred mentally and physically, tortured until eventually giving in to the life of a slave. Had he not brought this to my attention would I have ever known? Probably not, which just goes to show how important it is that people speak out and try to stop this kind of tourism.
Sure it seems cute to watch an elephant kick a football, or balance on one leg in a circus show.
The idea of being whisked off through the jungle on a wild animal may sound like the opportunity of a life time. But what these animals have had to go through before you see them in action is heart-breaking. I very much doubt that any kind hearted person would visit a show or ride an Elephant with the knowledge of what is happening behind the scenes.
I recently visited The Elephant Nature Park in Chaing Mai to take part in some volunteering. This is something I had always wanted to do ever since hearing about the suffering of these animals. It was only seven days of my time, but it was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It was hard work, but amazing to see the Elephants away from harm, so happy and care free.
The park currently looks after just over 40 Elephants and they are constantly working towards expansion. Some Elephants find it difficult to walk from injuries, others have been blinded or have serious mental issues due to the mistreatment suffered in earlier life. It really pains me to think this is going on as I speak and I urge everyone to please stop and think before you encourage this activity. Is it really worth torturing an animal for the sake of what you believe is a cool picture for your photo album. You can visit the park, go and bathe the elephants, get up close with them, without harming them.
I am so happy to have been a part of helping these beautiful creatures at the elephant nature park.
I hope that my article can help show the world just how serious this is and encourage people to visit The Elephant Nature Park. Money raised can help provide food, more land, and go toward the expense of buying Elephants away from their cruel owners. Every visit is a contribution to saving a life!
Have you ever visited the elephant nature park? What do you think of the elephant nature park? Tell me in the comments!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/elephant-cub-kenya-savanna-66898/

A recent graduate based in Liverpool. I have a passion for writing, travel and good food.