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I Tried Kickboxing For The First Time And Here’s What Happened

I Tried Kickboxing For The First Time And Here’s What Happened

I’m not an athletic person. I also really hate exercising. You would have to pay me a large sum of money to move my body faster than two miles an hour. Since I have been gaining weight faster than the speed of light, I decided to take advantage of what my overpriced college tuition had to offer. I tried kickboxing for the first time and here’s what happened.

The Weight Gain

So I gained 20 pounds in two years. It’s the damn college food. To be quite honest, I didn’t notice the weight gain. I started to notice my stomach starting to hang over my jeans. It didn’t occur to me it was weight gain. I had other things on my mind to realize it. It was other parts of my body that got bigger and I liked it. That should have been an indicator but it just wasn’t for me.


The Negative Body Image

I started hating the way my body looked. More specifically my stomach. I used to have somewhat of a flat stomach. I used to be content with it. It wasn’t until I went shopping for a crop top and shorts that it really hit me. I hated what I saw. To make things worse, with the weight gain I got stretch marks all over my waist and legs.

The Class

I decided to see what activities my school had to offer. I found a kickboxing class that fit in perfectly  between my work and school schedule. I’m generally a pretty outgoing person, but in some unfamiliar situations, I can be really shy. Since it was a group class with a bunch of strangers I decided to ask my roommate Kristin and my friend Xiana to come with me to kickboxing.


We started with a warm up which was alright, but then it got intense. I have no proper form or hand eye coordination so when the instructor started adding moves it got tougher and tougher. Still I was jabbing left and right. It kind of sucked to look over and see Kristin and Xiana getting the steps down, meanwhile I looked like a whale trying to do the Macarena. After a while, she said ok do a few laps on the track. The TRACK!. You don’t understand I do not run and I am totally out of shape. So I finally finished doing laps and I was coughing so bad I thought I would throw up my lungs. They were on fire. I was super thirsty too so I was gulping water like I was in the middle of a drought or something. That was a mistake. We went back into the workout area and starting doing moves again and I thought I was going to throw up. Now I know, only sip water don’t chug it. It was time do the combination. This is when my poor hand eye coordination really came into play and boy it was not pretty. I was thankful the class was finally over.

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Endorphins Make You Happy

I had to go to work after the workout and I was wondering when I was going to feel all energized and good. Elle Woods promised me that endorphins would make me happy. It hit me when I was behind the register and it felt amazing!

Sadly, I couldn’t go back to the class. Not because I didn’t like the payoff, but because my workload got heavier and heavier. But you know what, if I could I would have gone back, it was a good experience.

Have you ever tried an exercise class? Let us know about your experience in the comments below!

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