I Started A Blog And Here’s Why You Should Too

I started a blog. I don’t really know why. I think the main reason was to have a release for all the thoughts buzzing around my head. Having just finished uni I needed some form of creative outlet. The theme of my blog is graduate life and trying to get a job after uni. For many, myself included, this may feel like an enormous task and one that feels directionless and hopeless a lot of the time.
Writing my blog helped me stay light-hearted about the situation. It also helped me process my own process of job hunting. I have really enjoyed writing my blog and if it’s something you’re interested in you should definitely give it a try for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s like a mental release. It helps you connect with people when you can feel alone. It encourages you to develop thick skin in response to criticism. And it is also just pretty fun.
Mental chill
Splurging your inner thoughts into a blog post, especially about a topic that might stress you out or you need to unpack more, is an instant mental release. A problem shared is a problem solved kind of thing. Writing a blog about an issue or scenario you’re dealing with means you have to carefully construct your thoughts and true feelings behind the subject. Even if it doesn’t reach anyone else, it can help you understand how you’re feeling on the subject. Allowing yourself to mentally chill using a blog has been really helpful for my mental health when I really needed a way to let go of something I was worrying about.
Feel connected
Since writing my blog I’ve advertised it on my own personal social media at times. Maybe this isn’t for you. To be honest it’s not really always for me. It can feel intimidating and embarrassing for someone to read your writing. But, I have actually had a lot of people contact me regarding topics I discuss in my blog and or just letting me know they are enjoying my blog in general. This has been such a nice and fun way to connect with people around me. Sharing a blog can inspire new conversations with people that you never expected.
Critical champ
Am I good enough? What if people have a problem with my writing? Everyone has an opinion. There will always be someone ready and waiting with a negative comment. Fair enough. Since starting a blog and producing other online writing I’ve had some really negative comments, said to my face and otherwise. Just embrace it. People can think you suck. But you shouldn’t be afraid of criticism. Look through negative comments and see if you can use them to contribute to your work as constructive criticism. At the end of the day, those people reading and being negative about your writing are still increasing the amount of hits your blog gets, so thanks! I appreciate you. Suck it.
It’s actually fun
When I sit down to write my blog I really enjoy it. The platform I use is WordPress if you want to check it out. You can run a blog for a year for just £3 a month. Designing the look for your blog is another fun aspect. Plus, you have the opportunity to follow other people’s blogs. You can follow exactly what you’re interested in. It’s really fun to read and follow other people’s blogs and writing journeys. You also go on a journey with yourself, not to be totally cliché. But I’ve learnt a lot and I am still learning. And, I’m really enjoying the process.
If a blog is something you’d be interested in I would really recommend trying it out. I started a blog and here’s why you should too. I hope I’ve inspired you just enough to persuade you to start if you were contemplating the idea. And, if you had never thought about it before, why not give it a go? Shameless plug, check out my blog for some inspo!