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I Ran Into Chris Pratt At ACL Festival And Here’s What Happened

I Ran Into Chris Pratt At ACL Festival And Here’s What Happened

Running into Chris Pratt was the last thing that I ever thought would happen to me. Of course, it had always been a fantasy of mine (especially after seeing him in “Guardians of the Galaxy”), but I never expected it to happen. Here’s a breakdown of how exactly I got so lucky as to meet Chris Pratt.

Festival Preparation

Getting ready for the festival is part of the fun! I always shop starting months beforehand so that I can have the perfect outfit, and then when the day finally comes, I’m ready to shine! And when I say shine, I mean it literally, because I like to lay on the glitter. The more glitter the better! In my hair, on my arms, legs, and chest; anywhere that I can put it. Once we are all ready, we get dropped off and the long walk begins.


Last Show of the Day

By the end of the day, you get tired, hungry, thirsty, and you look like a sweaty mess. I was watching Skrillex from out of the crowd since I was too tired by that time to join in. My friends and I would jump around, enjoying the air from beyond the crowd of people.

Seeing Chris Pratt

As the night was coming to a close, I see a man walking past me in the dark. He’s wearing a white t-shirt and some khaki shorts. I turn to my friends and say “that man looks like Chris Pratt!” As soon as I said it he turned his head to me. I decided I would be bold and go up to him. I told him that he looks very similar to Chris and he just smiled and thanked me, before we started striking up a conversation. My friends and I were all talking to this man that looked like Chris Pratt and his friends, having a nice laugh and enjoying ourselves. When Skrillex’s last song ended, my friends and I said goodbye to the man who looked like Chris Pratt and his friends, and then we all went home.

See Also
Here are our favorite celebrity looks of this week! Spoiler Alert: Zayn wins the title of Best Eye-Candy Man of the week, hands down. 

Finding Out The Truth

Later that night, my friends and I were talking about our day while getting ready for bed to rest for another round of fun at ACL the next day. One of my friends was already in bed, on her phone, when she suddenly screamed. We all ran to her thinking something was wrong, and then we heard her scream “THAT MAN WE TALKED TO WAS CHRIS PRATT!” All of us started to panic, asking her how she knew and why she was saying that when she turned her phone screen and showed us a picture of Chris Pratt at Austin City Limits. In the picture, Chris Pratt was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. We all started screaming, not being able to believe what we were seeing. We had spent a good amount of time talking to Chris Pratt and not even knowing it! All of us were upset that we hadn’t taken a picture with him and that we hadn’t even asked him if he was Chris! We just assumed that he wasn’t!


Telling Our Friends

A lot of our friends didn’t believe that we had met Chris Pratt. They didn’t see any evidence, so they thought that we had made it up. But no matter what they say I will never forget the time that I met and had a conversation with Chris Pratt.

Have any of you ever met Chris Pratt? What was it like? Tell us about it in the comments!

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