I Played Strip Poker For The First Time Here’s What Happened

Playing poker will always make for a enjoyable night with friends, but strip poker will make for an even better time. I played strip poker for the first time, and here’s what happened.
1. Bring Your A Game
If you’re looking for a great time, playing strip poker is the way to go. If you’re as competitive as I am, be sure to bring your A game. No one likes losing especially if clothing is coming off in the process. Despite knowing you’re playing strip poker make sure to pile on the clothing. The more you have on, the longer you’ll stay in the game. This fun, and adventurous game doesn’t need to end up with naked people running around. Depending on the rules you should end up with very little clothing left- enough to cover up the important parts.
2. Wear Your Best Attire
Knowing that you can potentially lose all your clothing might seem a bit nerve-racking. However, be sure to wear your best undergarments. Nothing speaks flirty more than a silky pear of boxers, or a lacy lingerie set. Setting the rules is just as important as the amount of clothing you wear. Some articles of clothing can range in value. So be sure that your quests are comfortable with removing clothing, and set up your rules for the game. My first game was spent playing with real money, and then my articles of clothing became the currency.
* Image credit JaniceJoostemaa via Instagram3. Be Confident
Depending on who you’re playing with, be sure your poker face game is strong. When you ooze confidence your fellow players will sense it, and maybe be intimidated by you. When you feel sexy, you’ll have a great time. When playing any type of poker game I always say confidence is key. My first time playing involved fiery red lipstick, and a white three-piece lingerie set. I was so excited to lose my clothing because of how comfortable I felt with myself. Be sure trust yourself, and before you know it you’ll be the poker winner.
* Image credit JaniceJoostemaa via Instagram4. Play With Close Friends or Acquaintances
I first played this game with close friends in college. We all knew each other, and felt comfortable showing lots of skin around one another. If you’re unsure about strip poker, no fret. There are many other adult games out there that require you to keep your clothing on. Before you feel uncomfortable, talk with your friends about an alternative solution when you’re suddenly not feeling up to stripping. Some include, taking a shot or using fake money.
* Image credit JaniceJoostemaa via Instagram5. Have Fun
It was over. My dearest pal was down to his briefs, and I in my lingerie set with only my socks keeping me in the game. This fun game is perfect for a laid-back night with close friends and even other couples. Keep the mood light, and friendly, flirty too if you’re feeling up to it. Just remember to respect the boundaries of your fellow players, and to keep it fun. No one will enjoy an unpleasant game of strip poker.
* Image credit JaniceJoostemaa via Instagram