I Joined A Sorority In College and This Is What Happened

Sorority life is filled with nothing but rich snobby girls who only care about their looks and hooking up with fraternity brothers. This statement right here is one of the main reasons I never wanted to fully commit to joining a sorority. I always heard negative stereotypes about them. When I would bring up the subject of possibly rushing in university I would always receive odd looks from friends. I was worried about all of this until I joined a sorority and this happened.
1. Joining a sorority was something I would never do.
I wouldn’t be like the rest of those girls in the movies who only served as catalysts for the main girl character to show she was above them in every moral way possible. This was the plan when I first stepped foot on Michigan State.
It all changed when I received a call at eight am. On the other end was a recruiter who had asked me if I was still considering rushing. A split second of silence, and then without even thinking about it I said yes.
Fast forward only a few hours later, and I am running down the streets with other girls in gym shorts and a tank top. It had been a week long process, but it was one of the best experiences in my life. While waiting on those lawns to speak to the houses, I ended up bonding with some of the girls that became really good friends of mine for the next two years. When my house was revealed I couldn’t contain the excitement that bursts through my body.
2. Running into the arms of my sisters was one of the best introductions into sorority life.
For the next few months, I learned that all those negative stereotypes that I heard in high school were not true. The girls who ended up becoming my sisters were not rich nor snobby. They worked hard to earn their own way through college, and some of them even had two jobs. Some were interested in hooking up, but I raise the question who isn’t when your young and in college? Some girls had serious relationships with boys that were not even the Greek system.
I think that people are so fast to label things that they have no experience in. I can’t blame them because I did it too, until I gave it a chance. So here is my piece of advice for those that are thinking about joining. If you were like me and new to campus, and wanted to expand your horizons while a student at university then why not test it out. Rush and meet the girls, and see who your getting along with. If it ends up that you absolutely sure that you could never see yourself in any of these houses, then it’s okay to drop out.
3. You wont be the laughing stock of the group, nor will you be the last girl to ever drop out of rushing.
However, if it ends up that you could possibly see yourself as any one of these houses possible future sister then do it. There is no commitment until the very end when you have to stated rather or not you want to be a member in the house. Take that month to figure out if that house holds your values, ethics in mind.
4. You shouldn’t give up who you are, or what your about because you want to fit in. The right house will fit you not the other way around.
If you find yourself wanting to commit don’t be afraid to take a leap and become a member of the house. I wont lie and say that it is all easy and fun. You have to commit to working on relationships with these girls, and become involved in philanthropies that the house holds dear. If you can put in that time and effort everything will work out in the end.