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How To Win A Guy Over In 10 Days

How To Win A Guy Over In 10 Days

You’ve all had to seen the 2003 romantic comedy How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. The movie where Kate Hudson’s character is given the task to write an article about how to get a man to leave you in ten days. And Matthew McConaughey’s character is sure he can get any girl to fall in love with him in just ten days. When the two meet, their plans backfire and -spoiler- they end up falling for each other. Surprise, surprise, right. Right now you’re probably thinking “ohhhh right, that movie”. Yes, yes, this is the movie that I will be pulling inspiration not to share how to lose a guy in ten days. Instead, how to win a guy over in ten days. And by no means am I any sort of love doctor, cupid, hopeless romantic, or a credible source to seek dating advice from. But if you’re looking for the most basic yet genius ways, in my opinion, to get a guy to fall in love with you, then please, by all means, keep reading.


You know how guys play the game, you’re going to play the game back, and win. Guys try to show they’re uninterested to keep you chasing them because they enjoy the attention. Aren’t you sick of that? Because I sure was. It’s like tug of war. They pull you in a little, let go, then pull you back in, and let go again. If you’re chasing a guy who wants no relationship at all, they’ll just pull that rope right out of your hands. By that I mean they’ll ghost you. Yep, those sick dudes who just want one thing and once they get bored of you they disappear into thin air. Leaving you with perhaps something you don’t want most of all. If you want to avoid this repetitive problem you’re going to have to first start looking for a different kind of man.  This is the key. How do you determine if the guy you’re talking to is the wrong kind? Listen up. Is the guy you’re talking to giving you the absolute bare minimum, leaving you confused and keeping you up at night wondering “Oh my God, does he like me?”. If this sounds like you, I hate to break it to you, but chances are pretty high that he’s just not that into you. Now don’t get butthurt, it has zero to do with you and everything to do with him. If you’re thinking “Oh I just have to give him time” or “I’ll get him to like me”. Nope, nope, nope. That won’t happen. You’ll just be wasting yours and his time. So, how to play the game hm? Well, this is how you’re going to win a guy over in just ten days.

You’re going to have to change the kind of guy you’re looking for. Sorry hun. You might have this ideal type and image of who you’re going to fall in love with and marry and have babies with. Scratch that, delete it, erase it. Nobody can plan their life. Just roll with the punches, go with the flow. And once you’ve found a guy, or stumbled upon one, who is actually attainable for a real committed relationship then you can work your magic to get him to fall for you just as much as you’re falling for him, if not more.

These ten days are crucial. I’m not going to tell you what to do each day, I don’t even know how to organize that. My advice will be a more collective strategy for you to do across these ten days in order to win the guy over that you want. When the clock strikes midnight on the tenth day, he’ll be yours, even if it’s not official quite yet.

Advice #1

It’s very important that the power remain in your hands. To win a guy over, do not let go of this. Or you’ll let go yourself. Attachment to this dude who isn’t even your bae is what we’re avoiding here. Read through this list of do’s and don’ts to get the jist of what I mean about keeping your power.

Don’t- text him all hours of the day

Do- check in once in awhile

Don’t- keep your phone in hand to be available for him when he does text you

Do- live your life, do what you got to do, and text back when it’s convenient for you

Don’t- go out of your way to see him and lock him down for plans

Do- make plans when you are completely free

See Also
We all have experiences mixed signals from a guy we were into. Avoid being led on with these sure tell signs that he wants to hook up with you!

Okay, you get the idea, right? Don’t put in all the effort yourself. This is a terrible way to start a relationship. It has to be equal effort, you show interest in him and he shows interest in you.

Advice #2

From my own experience, listen this is actually reliable advice. Get ready to hear this because this might come as a total shocker. Show that you don’t care that much. Yes if you’re into a guy and you want him to know it, you’re going to have show that you are a trying. But don’t try too hard. Text him, go out with him when he asks. But show that you’re not really trying. Almost like you’re just effortlessly pulling him in and he can’t control it. It’s honestly better for yourself too. We’ve all been there when you’re trying to win a guy over and so you’re doing anything and everything to show him that you’re interested. Don’t do that, it’s exhausting and shows that you’re too eager. Fall back a little, and just let whatever happens, happen. If you’re too invested into someone you could end up getting hurt more by someone you didn’t date than you did by someone who you’ve actually dated.

Advice #3

Communication is key. If you want something, speak up. Guys aren’t the brightest and they suck at taking hints. Communicate how you feel, even if it’s hard for you, to reap the reward of this man who will be yours. To win a guy over, you got to let them know that you want them. Tell them with words how you feel, but once you do so, don’t go to acting like y’all are dating, just chill and wait for him to say something to you. Keep living your life how you want, hanging out with him in your free time, and don’t care too much about this situationship that you’re currently in.

Advice #4

Just be you. Barf, that’s like the most cliche piece of advice you can hear. However, in this situation it is the most helpful. Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Don’t be who he wants you to be. Just be you because you are perfect just the way you are. And if he doesn’t like that, then he’s not the one. Someone else will come along and appreciate you for everything that you are. Chances are that you’ll win a guy over when you’re being completely and utterly yourself.

Are you picking up what I’m putting down? That’s it folks. Keep up with these tips for ten days to win a guy over. 

I’ll disappear now and let you lovebirds do your thing…