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How To Throw The Ultimate March Madness Party This Year

How To Throw The Ultimate March Madness Party This Year

How To Throw The Ultimate March Madness Party This Year

Hear ye, hear ye sports fans! March Madness is here! It is that time of year again to gather your friends to throw your infamous March Madness Party to date. I hear the men’s and women’s college basketball tournament is going to be crazy this year, so, I am here to help you prepare for it.

Game On!

To throw one great party you are going to need more than a bowl of chips, salsa, and beer. This year for your March Madness Party, have your friends’ rep their favorite college basketball teams, according to division, and pin them against one another. For example, it can be the East against the Midwest. Whenever a team from either division loses, each member of that team has to take two shots coming through the door and buy something suitable for the party! Also, losers have to put five bucks in a bucket at the end of the game and winners get to boast. The winning division of the tournament gets the cash.


Game On #2!

Another game you can play to make your party more interesting is to break your party into two teams (mainly, whoever they’re rooting for). Whichever team gets a foul, each person has to do five push-ups. Also, for every commercial break, someone has to dare another person from the opposite team something wild! But, they must get it over with before the game comes back on.

Don’t Forget the Wings!

For every March Madness Party, you have to have the right food or else people will talk about you, or worse…they won’t have fun. The key ingredients to having an awesome spread at a March Madness Party are wings or tacos. If you have either one of these two added to your spread, your party is already lit. Make your table theatrical by having all kinds of sports paraphernalia around the food and drinks. Make your space festive! The cooler the setting, the more people are inclined to relax and have a great time. They’ll see that you put so much time and effort into your March Madness Party this year. Take a bow! This might be the best party yet.

See Also
There's no shortage of party songs out there, but here are the top 20 college party songs, new and old, to add to your next party pregame playlist!


Who doesn’t love drinking at a party! Make sure your house is stocked up like your favorite bar during March Madness time. Have different selections, preferably the favorite amongst beer and liquor along with water and power drinks. In order to make sure no one gets totally wasted at your house, have a cut off limit, like the bars, so they’ll have time to sober up and either drive or Uber themselves home. This may be strict, but, trust me, it’ll do the trick.


Bigger the Picture, Better the Game

Invest in a huge flat screen television. The party shouldn’t even be at your house if the t.v. is at least sixty inches or better. You want a television that everyone can see to keep their eyes glued to what’s happening on screen. Your picture should be so vibrant, that people can see it clearly from the outside looking inward. The best t.v.’s makes the best game-watching devices. It’s second best to having wings at the party. Go big or go home!

Have fun! March Madness only comes around once a year. What other time of the year is just as crazy as this one about college sports? So, get ready to watch some college basketball. How are you and your friends watching March Madness this year? Comment down below and tell us your ideas. Until next time, see you soon!

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