How To Throw The Best Labor Day Weekend Bash

Labor Day Weekend is almost upon us, and you know what that means: Alexa play Party in the USA.
Labor Day is the day to celebrate the working people and whether you’ve had a summer job or are reluctant to let go of your summer break, it’s officially the last major party of the summer, and you don’t want to let this opportunity slip you by.
If you’re wondering what you need to make your Labor Day weekend party better than your annoying neighbor’s, follow these tips that’ll have yours coming out on top.
Whether you and your friends want to kick it at the beach, a lake or a familiar park is really up to you (and, I guess, wherever you happen to live), but there are ways to make every location awesome. There’s no rule that says you have to go to the same place you do every year, why not do some research and drive out to somewhere new? Heck, why not even try camping or doing an overnighter for this Labor Day weekend bash, and keep the party alive all weekend long? Get a cabin, do AirBnB, or take some tents and enjoy.
Officially one of the last days to barbeque for the summer, Labor Day is when you want to make sure you’re grilling in style. If you’re not confident in your grillmaster skills, appoint one of your friends as the official BBQ babe and have everyone else chip in for food, wood/coal/gas (make sure you know what sort of BBQ-ing you’ll be doing, if it’s camping/using a fire pit there are things you’ll need that you won’t need using the trusty old BBQ at home, and vice versa.) While I feel you can’t go wrong with the classics on Labor Day, it doesn’t hurt to make sure there are options for you and your friends, you may wanna throw a tofu hotdog or two in there just in case.
If you’re roughin’ it, keep two coolers full of ice and alcoholic vs nonalcoholic beverages to help balance out the day. It’s totally fine if you want to just do waters and sodas this Labor Day, of course, but have a chat with your friends so they know if its BYOB. If you’re doing this Labor Day weekend bash in a slightly more bougie way, keep those cocktails and mocktails flowin’. Oh and, don’t forget the ice. Nobody wants warm drinks.
While you can’t really go wrong with a nice loudspeaker you can Bluetooth to your iPhone, live music is another vibe that can really help you and your friends feel that closeness together this Labor Day weekend as summer slowly burns its way to its end. If you or one of your friends has a ukelele or guitar, why not ask them to bring it along? It may be one of the only times you actually want them to say, “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall…” And hey, even if you don’t, cultivate the perfect party playlist that’ll have you guys singing and dancing your Labor Day away.
One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is to simply relax and enjoy your time together. Nothing can ruin a party as much as stressing over the details…give your friends a job to do and you won’t feel like you have to run everything. If someone forgets the hot dog buns or the soda or something, don’t let it wreck your Labor Day weekend bash. Turn it into a mini adventure, things will turn out okay. Labor Day can bring about bittersweet feelings as you say goodbye to summer and welcome in the fall, let yourself enjoy this moment, you deserve it all. Whether you have a staycation or vacation, make this Labor Day weekend bash one to remember.
Do you have any plans this Labor Day? What is your secret to throwing the best Labor Day bash? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Lauren West graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in English and Digitial Journalism in December 2018. She is a Southern California native, an INFP with anxiety, and at any moment trying her best.