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How To Survive Your First Week Of College

How To Survive Your First Week Of College

How To Survive Your First Week Of College

When entering your first week of college, it can be intimidating and overwhelming. Although there’s no way to predict what your first week of college will entail, there are steps you can take to make your transition easier. Here are some steps you can take to survive your first week of college.

Explore Campus

Whether you’ve taken a tour of campus or have looked at pictures online, you’re going to want to explore it for yourself. After getting settled in, you can choose to explore by yourself or ask a roommate to join you. You’ll want to get an idea of where certain buildings and amenities are located. When I first got to campus, I made sure to check out the different dining options, gyms, auditoriums, sports fields, and more. Not only is this a great way to get familiarized with campus, but it gives you an excuse to stretch your legs. While it may be hard to grasp at first, your college campus will be your new home for the next nine or so months. Due to this, you’ll want to have an idea of where everything is located in order to get around on your own. No matter how big or small your campus may be, there’s plenty to explore your first week of college.

Meet New People

Typically, most colleges and universities will host a plethora of events in order to get students adjusted to their new setting. Not only should you take advantage of these events, but you should see if there are any future events you’d want to attend as well. In addition to this, there should be clubs and organizations to sign up for. During my first week of college, my college hosted an activities fair to sign up for clubs, recreational sports, and service learning trips. While at this fair, I was able to interact with students from multiple clubs and meet new people. The best way to meet new people is to bond over activities and causes that you’re passionate about. Although it might push you outside your comfort zone, college is about meeting new people and creating new experiences. By attending events and signing up for clubs, you’ll have a handful of friends in no time.


Become Familiar With Your Schedule

Before your first week of classes, you’re going to want to take a look at your schedule. At my college, RAs offered to take students on tours where their classes would be held. Even if your college doesn’t offer this, you should still get an idea of what buildings you’ll be visiting the most. Depending on how big your campus is, you may have to leave 10 minutes early in order to get to class on time. By familiarizing yourself with your schedule, you’ll be better prepared for your first week of college.

See Also

Make Necessary Purchases

When packing for college, there’s multiple items you’re going to want to bring. While it may seem like you have everything you need, there’s a good chance you’re going to forget a couple of necessities. If this happens, be sure to go out and purchase any forgotten essentials. When I first got to college, I made the mistake of forgetting an HDMI chord. The next day, I was on a train to Target and came back with bags layered up my arms. You’ll also want to make a trip to the store to purchase snacks, drinks, and any other essentials. Lastly, you’ll want to take a look at your syllabi to see if you need to purchase textbooks for your classes. Although professors give you the first week to purchase your books, it never hurts to be prepared.


These are only a handful of ways to survive your first week of college. Let us know in the comments, how you survived your first week of college!

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