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How To Survive Freshman Year At The University Of Hartford

How To Survive Freshman Year At The University Of Hartford

Guidance is good when you're going into your freshman year of college. Read this article so you can survive your freshman year at University of Hartford.

Guidance is good when you’re going into your freshman year of college. Read this article so you can survive your freshman year at the University of Hartford.

1. Make friends.

One of the biggest parts of college is meeting new people. There are so many interesting people that you’ll meet in your dorm, classes and just walking around. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with someone, they could end up being one of your best friends.

2. Ask questions in class & go to office hours.

You are paying for these classes. If you don’t understand something, raise your hand and ask your professor for help. If you don’t feel comfortable asking a question in front of the class, all professors have office hours which have dedicated time slots to have one-on-one time with your professor. Almost every professor provides their office hours in their syllabus.


3. Do your homework.

It’s important to stay on top of your work your freshman year at the University of Hartford. There is no point in coming to college and paying a lot of money if you don’t plan on doing your homework. Homework is designed to make sure you understand what was taught in class. If you are doing your work and don’t understand how to do something, ask your professor.

4. Study.

College classes aren’t easy. It’s so important to study! From personal experiences, I’ve had professors that have class work throughout the semester that counts towards participation grades. However, what ultimately determines your overall grade for the class is your midterm and final grade. Studying is key to being successful in your classes.

5. Join clubs and organizations.

Getting involved on campus is fun. Go to the club fairs with an open-mind and join clubs that spark your interest. Joining clubs introduces you to new people who have similar interests as you. It’s a perfect way to make more friends your freshman year at the University of Hartford.

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6. Take care of yourself physically and mentally.

If you aren’t physically and mentally healthy, you won’t be able to go to classes and get the full college experience. In regards to physical health, make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating three meals a day and exercising.

Mental health is just as, if not more important than physical health! College can be very stressful at times. Especially when it’s your freshman year and you’re still adjusting. Sometimes you need to take a mental health day and not go to classes. If you do this, make sure you are contacting your professor to get the work you are missing. Talk to your friends and family. If feel like you need additional support, the university has a counseling center on campus where there are multiple people you can talk to.

Let us know what you think about freshman year at the University of Hartford in the comments below!
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