How to Support Black Lives Matter Effectively

Black Lives Matter is a powerful movement that works to improve the lives of black men, women, and children. The movement seeks to get justice for the hundreds of black people unjustly and ruthlessly murdered by police brutality. It also seeks to make people think critically about the differences between white people and black people, as well as make people aware of rampant systemic racism in the government.
So if you’re here, looking for ways to help the movement, here’s some effective ways to support Black Lives Matter.
1. Go to protests
This is the most direct way to support the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s efficient, and it shows people around you that you’re willing to stand with with black men and women in fighting for their cause.
Rally for change in your government, and get your point across!
Protesting for what you believe in absolutely works. Historically, protesting works, and so, this is why we’re persuading you to find a protest happening in your town, or start one!
Attending or starting one takes immense bravery. We’re not going to beat around the bush – it might get ugly. You have to aware of your surroundings at the protest you’re attending.
The best way to figure out how to defend yourself is to take a couple notes from Hong Kong protestors. Hong Kong protestors have developed a system.
They use cling wrap, suitcases as shields, toilet seat covers, and swimming floats. They’re been seen using umbrellas to fight against falling tear gas, and cling wrap to keep themselves from being burned from that same tear gas. The protestors have also made makeshift barriers with poles and cable ties.
Be safe out there.
2. Sign Petitions
This is also another great way to support Black Lives Matter! There’s a ton of petitions on for you to sign. Here’s some for you that haven’t been completed yet!
Charge the cops who shot Jacob Blake
Re-open the Kendrick Johnson case
Justice for Christopher Mitchell
Justice for Cornelius Fredericks
All of these petitions have not been completed, so hopefully you’ll sign these to get them over their goal! You can also search for other petitions that may help out the Black Lives Matter movement.
3. Donate!
Right now, police and protestors are at odds. Riots are breaking out, and protestors that had nothing to do with it are getting jailed.
If you want to support the Black Lives Matter movement, donating to protestors bail fund is a really great way 0f doing just that. Here’s an extensive list of protestors’ bail out funds for various states!
Bail Funds all over the country
There’s also a bunch of GoFundMe’s you can donate to, for example, the Kendrick Johnson Foundation Fund. Some of these fundraisers are raising money for people who have been injured or have died by police or in police custody. Here’s they are:
Justice for Josiah Lawson: Litigation Assistance
4. Educate Yourself
Educating yourself, while not a direct approach to supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, is a great approach nonetheless.
If you’re finding that you’re feeling guilty for any micro aggressions that you may have perpetuated in your life, please don’t feel like that for very long. The point is that you are learning, and growing.
Reading articles, books, and anything else you can find about systemic racism is a good show of support. You’re getting educated, and that’s what matters. Some books to read are as follows:
White Fragility: Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo, Micheal Eric Dyson
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Freedom Road by Howard Fast (historical fiction)
- Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements by Charlene Carruthers
- When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Asha Bandele
- Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi
- Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla Saad, Robin DiAngelo
These are only a few books to help educate you on systemic racism, and white supremacy.
And if you’re confused as to why saying All Lives Matter makes you a terrible person, here’s some reasons why you shouldn’t say that in response to Black Lives Matter.
- Saying ALM diminishes the struggles that black people face on a daily basis.
- People of color know that all lives matter, but currently and historically, black lives have n0t mattered to a majority of people, to the police, or to the government. In other words, all lives can’t matter until black lives matter.
- Saying ALM makes you ignorant
5. Listen to Black Voices
If you somehow can’t do all of that, then at least, please don’t ignore black voices. Please don’t speak over them. And please don’t stomp down on them.
Black men, women, and children are highly aware of their skin tone. They’re reminded every single day.
Listen to their stories. Listen to their experiences, and anecdotes of racism in their lives. Listen to the voices that have felt a loss because of police brutality. And listen to those just trying to get justice for those people. They’re tired of being treated as less than by their white counterparts.
All lives don’t matter until black lives matter.
Just like we said before, Black Lives Matter is one of the most important movements of the modern day. Many people are sick and tired of not being seen, or heard. So it’s time we stand with them, and help them. Hopefully you go through all of these ways to support them. Learn everything that you can. Find out when a protest is going to happen, and join in on the fight. You can do this!
What ways are you planning on supporting Black Lives Matter? Let us know down below!
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Hi! My name is Carolina Cisneros, and I am a new intern at Society 19. I’m so glad to have this opportunity! I have an Associates in Studio Art, and I will be heading into university for Cinematic Arts and Technologies. I plan to go into the animation industry, designing characters and bringing more diversity into the world. For now, I’m building my skills. Thank you for reading!