How To Successfully Text A Girl For A Booty Call: A Step By Step Guide

College can often be an awkward time; especially when you’re looking for some fun. texting someone for a booty call can be a challenge. For guys, there is often that awkward space of texting the girl who you want to fulfill your needs but you don’t know exactly what to say. You and her have been flirty but, no one has taken the step. It sucks and you’re not trying to come off as a jerk but you’re ready and your roommates are sick of you clogging the shower drain with your man rain. So, guys: here is my five-step guide to a successful booty call that will get you what you need while still being a good guy.
1. Have the place free.
There is nothing that stops you from getting it like hovering parents, nosy neighbors, and loud roommates. Often times, it is these unintentional c*ck blockers that will be in your way more than your own fear of asking. So, if you are looking to get some make sure you have a place to get it! Don’t ask her if you can come over. Clean your room and use the home field advantage, girls honestly prefer it. Maybe you wait for a day that your roommates are out partying late or a weekend that they have gone home, but being the one who asks means that you have the plan, which includes the where!
2. Send the “You up?” text.
This is an essential signature to the booty text; a moment that will either make or break your ability to ask if you can freak. Sending out the first message makes sure that she is awake to even come see you will tell you if you can proceed or not. If she’s not awake and responds to the text in the morning, you may have some explaining to do as far as asking where she was at 3:00 am. However, do not let the fear of her not responding stop you from trying. The only way to get the conversation started is to send out the line. If you have already gotten flirty with her she will know just what it means when you hit her with the old faithful “Wyd”, “Hey beautiful”, or “You up?” text.
3. The Conversation
This is an important step that cannot be forgotten if you want to at least think you’re being a gentleman about this. Taking the time to have a little flirty banter and ask her how her day was will give you major points. The more she trusts you; the better the response will be. Taking the time a few days in advance even to have a good text conversation will lay the foundation for sending the booty text. You gotta be in it for more than the booty, invest the time and you’ll harvest satisfaction.
4. The Invitation
Once things are going well and you know that you’re on the same page as far as feeling; hit her with the invite. Tell her that you feeling her vibe and want to chill. Odds are if you’ve had this much conversation by now things are going well enough to get you all the way. If she’s never been to your place before tell her that it’s not that far and you’re even willing to pick her up. Even if there is initial shock, give her reasons she should come. I have always liked a food incentive but the classic ‘Netflix and Chill’ will do wonders for you.
5. Score!
You have done everything right and now it is time to enjoy the fruit of your labor: her. The game has been played, and the trap has been set, and this precious bunny is in your grasp. While these methods can be localized to Tinder, dm’s, and Facebook messages; don’t be afraid to straight up get her number from a friend and push your luck. Hell, you can even Instagram that girl. The booty text has no bounds and can be tried on any and everything. Stay safe out there and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want!
Featured photo source: and

There is serious truth behind short people having a napoleon complex. But I think its that shortness gives you more passion for your work. So I, a 4"11 Information Systems major at Marist College am incredibly passionate. I have a passion for my writing, running, food, and flavored coffees and I hope to share some of my passions with you!