Do It Yourself

How To Stay Positive In A Negative World When It Seems Impossible

It seems like negative forces are everywhere, trying to drag you down to the pits. Fight back with these 5 ways to stay positive in a negative world!

1. Keep a gratitude journal

It’s easy to lose sight of things that are going right in a world where things always seem to be going wrong. Writing daily in a gratitude journal can help. Take some time out of each day and document things that you are grateful for. Your entries can be about anything, from the sun shining that day to your favorite food to having a roof over your head. Whatever makes you happy, write it down. Not only will this help you train your brain for positive thinking, but it will also act as a visual reference of positive aspects in your life that you can refer to whenever you’re feeling low. This is another one of the ways to stay positive in a negative world.

2. Sing it

No, really! Singing has been linked to positive emotions. When you sing, there are two things that happen. Endorphins, known as “feel good” chemicals, are released. They provide feelings of happiness and pleasure. Oxytocin is also released, which helps to relieve stress and anxiety. So go ahead! Throw together a playlist of songs that get you totally pumped up and sing it in the shower! Sing in your car! You could even look into singing with a local group. Added bonus: you will get the opportunity to socialize with people of the same interests! Whatever you choose, you will feel a positive shift in your mood. This is another one of the ways to stay positive in a negative world.

3. Mind the company you keep

Being around constant negativity can really bring you down. Think about the relationships you have. Think about how each of those relationships make you feel. If any of them make you feel sad, angry, or frustrated on a regular basis, it may be time to re-evaluate those relationships. Try to surround yourself with those who make you feel happy and hopeful. You will notice a major difference in your positivity without the looming negative energy. This is another one of the ways to stay positive in a negative world.

4. Make a point to disconnect

Despite what many people may think, all of the cell phones, video games, televisions, and computers do have a negative impact on us. They lead us to draw inward and focus solely on a digital world and shut out the real world around us. Add in all of the depressing news reports and social media drama and you have the perfect recipe to make a bubble full of negativity. Disconnect! Make time every day to pull away from electronics and do things that you enjoy. Paint. Read. Go for a bike ride. Have coffee with friends. Doing things that get you to stretch outwards will pop that negativity bubble and help you lead a more positive lifestyle. This is another one of the ways to stay positive in a negative world.

5. Meditate

If you’re like most people, you have about a million things running through your head at once. That’s why you need meditation. Meditation is an art that allows you to silence your mind. A total mind and body experience, it reduces stress levels, relieves anxiety, and even helps improve concentration. Here’s how to get started:

It is best to meditate in the morning so that you do not feel tired after a long day. 

Sit with your back straight. Do not do this lying down as you will most likely fall asleep. 

See Also

Meditate with a purpose by going into it with a main reason such as “I need to focus, today” or “I really need to relax”. 

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to focus your mind on only one thing at a time. If you feel your train of thought getting away from you, focus only on your breathing again to get back on track. Do this for as long as you feel comfortable, whether it’s for 1 minute or 45 minutes.

Keep in mind that mastering the art of meditation is a practice. It may take some time for you to fully control your thoughts and feelings about them. Be patient. In the end, it will be very rewarding as you will be able to greet the day with positive energy!

Which of these ways to stay positive in a negative world are you going to try? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit
Kathryn McClure

Hey, there! My name is Kathryn. I am a full-time online student with Ashford University. In my senior year, I’m working hard to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass a Communication. I am also the SAHM of three wild and crazy kids which means that my life never has a dull moment! I love writing about anything as long as they are pieces that can inform or make someone smile. Thanks for reading!

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