How To Stay Motivated When Senioritis Hits Hard

It’s that time of year when motivation is nowhere to be found. Today, I’m sharing how to stay motivated when senioritis hits hard. If you’re a senior and you haven’t felt the effects of senioritis, stop lying to yourself. We’re in our second semester, and all we’re thinking about is having fun all while getting that degree. It’s the second semester once you’re hit by senioritis it’s hard to get out of that slump. I feel your pain. I am a second-semester senior. That’s why I’ve decided to save us all from irreversible mistakes and share how to stay motivated when senioritis hits us. Enjoy!
1. Organization & Time Management
You’re a senior, so this really shouldn’t be too hard. However, I know when senioritis hits, all goes to the wayside. Make lists! When you have five homework assignments, ten emails to send, three people to call, groceries to get, and people to see things slip through the cracks. That’s why lists are so helpful. List everything by importance and write down the dates they need to be done by. This is a sure way to make sure you’re on track, and not forgetting what you need to be doing.
2. Take A Step Back
Senioritis hits when you’re overwhelmed. If you’re feeling overworked take a step back. Evaluate what is going on and what is making you so stressed. Maybe you’re stretching yourself too thin. All those extra-curricular activities plus your two capstones may be too much on your plate. If you need to cut back on time that your spending with clubs or sororities, people will understand. Or maybe you’re not time-managing properly. Which, in that case, re-read #1. Overall, make sure you’re not overextending yourself. It’s your last semester, don’t exhaust yourself.
3. Get Some R & R
One of the main reasons why senioritis hits so hard is because we don’t take time to relax. We’re running from classes, to work, to nights with friends and it’s all exhausting. When senioritis hits hard to find time for rest and relaxation. Give up a night out, finish that last assignment tomorrow morning, or take a personal day. When I say rest and relaxation, I do not mean lay in bed all day being lazy. Rest and relaxation mean getting eight hours of sleep, finding time to exercise, and taking time for the little things you enjoy.
4. Set Aside Time To Job Hunt
When senioritis hits, remember why you’re here in the first place. To get a degree so you can find a job that you love! When in that deep senioritis slump one way to pull yourself out is by job hunting. We’re in our last semester of college, the world is our oyster, and there are plenty of opportunities out there. Don’t wait until after graduation to find a job, start searching now! By starting early, you’ll be relieving stress that is inevitable to hit at the end of the semester.
5. Have Fun
Work hard, play hard. Senioritis mainly hits because we are stressed beyond belief. We have so many assignments and stresses about post-grad. Take this time to enjoy the people who you’re with and the town that you’re in. Of course make sure you are getting everything that needs to be done, done. However, make sure you’re taking time to enjoy your last semester. Plus, hanging with your friends can help strike inspiration. Taking some time for fun, in the end, will help cure this senioritis slump you’re in.