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How To Stay Focused and Sane For Your College Online Classes

How To Stay Focused and Sane For Your College Online Classes

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the widespread closure of many schools and universities and students are being forced to switch from in-person classes to online classes via distance learning.

As of March 23rd, 2020, over 1.3 billion students were out of school due to school closures in response to COVID-19. According to UNESCO Monitoring, over 160 countries have implemented nationwide closures, impacting over 87% of the world’s student population. 

According to an Entangled Solutions Report, at least 1,149 colleges and universities in the United States have closed their campuses and switched to online classes, as of March 28th, 2020. The same report from Entangled Solutions reveled that the college campus closures have impacted over 14.5 million students. 


The transition to Online Classes has an impact on both college professors and students. Professors have to think about how they teach the material, learn how to use new tools, and try new teaching techniques, to name a few ways on how they have to adapt to Online Classes. On the other hand, students have to adjust to distance learning from home, staying focused, and maintaining that same motivation to be as successful as they did in the actual physical classroom.

While Online Classes might seem easy, they can also be a challenge (depending on the subject). Now that we all have to finish the rest of the semester via Online Classes, it is important to take the necessary measures to make sure that we, college students, need to stay motivated and sane while taking them. 

Now, with all of that being said, listed below are _ Tips on How You Can Stay Focused and Sane For Your College Online Classes: 


1. Establish A Dedicated Study Area:

Before you start any academic work for your Online Classes, establish a dedicated study area in your house for you to do all of your work at. Preferably, any room in your home with a desk in it makes the perfect study area. 

Whichever room ends up being your dedicated study area, make sure it is one that is quiet so you won’t be distracted by any loud noises or commotion. Do not make the kitchen area or the dining room as there will be too much commotion going on for you to be able to get any of your assignments done. Establishing a quiet, dedicated study area is a huge step in staying focus, sane, and motivated for your online classes. 


2. Keep Your Dedicated Study Area Clean and Tidy:

Once you have established which room of your house will be your dedicated study area, take the extra time to keep your work area clean and tidy! Studies conducted by Psychology Today revealed that cleaning and organizing around your house, in general, are effective ways of recapturing a sense of self-control. Constant cleaning and organization of your study area will also provide a much happier and healthier environment, which results in you getting the best quality of work done for all of your Online Classes. 

3. Prioritize and Make a Schedule/List of Things You Want To Get Done Each Day:

Making a schedule/list of the things you want to get done each day for your Online Classes can help you remain productive, positive, and sane for the time being. Regardless if you are in high school or college, create a list of which academic tasks and assignments that you want to get done each day and when you plan to do each one for your online classes.


While it’s okay not if a few things on your list aren’t completed by the end of the day, be sure to prioritize which tasks need to be completed first! It’s not pretty when assignments and tasks aren’t completed before deadlines. 

4. Take Handwritten Notes:

In general, it’s easier to take notes for classes (online and/or in-person) on your laptop. However, with this switch to online classes due to the coronavirus outbreak, take handwritten notes in your notebooks  for all your courses. Print out lectures, PowerPoints, and outlines and annotate them. Taking handwritten notes in a notebook will help you understand and remember the material in a much better way. 

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5. Remember To Take Breaks When You Need Them:

Some academic assignments for your Online Classes might be more comprehensive and take more time to complete compared to other academic-related tasks. As you are doing the work required from our Online Classes, remember to take breaks when you need them to ensure that you don’t burn yourself out. 


As stated earlier in the introduction, Online Classes might appear easy but they can be a real chore depending on the subject. You are not at your best and won’t be able to submit the best quality of work you are capable of doing when you are burned out. For every hour you study, reward yourself with a 10-minute break. Spend your break time away from your established study area. You can spend your break time by stretching, making a snack, catching up with your friends via text or FaceTime, or checking social media, to name a few ideas. 

6. Eliminate Distractions:

As you are doing the assigned coursework for all of your online classes, make sure you have all of the needed study materials with you. Such materials include your laptops, textbooks, notes, pens and pencils, and paper, to name a few.


In order to stay extra focused on your assignments, have the discipline to turn off the TV, Stereo, and/or Radio before you sit down and work. Be sure to also leave your cellphone in another room and that your classwork is the only thing up on your laptop browser.

From this list, which of these tips will personally help you the most in staying focused and sane for your College Online Classes? Lets us know which tips down below in the comments section! Best of luck on everyone’s college online classes! Despite the circumstances, I have absolute confidence you will succeed and get the best grades possible!

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