How To Spice Up Your Relationship When Cuffed

It’s not a shock that cuffing season is in full swing. At this point, you’re asking yourself how to spice up your relationship when cuffed. You’ve been cuffed for a hot second, and the two of you are falling into a routine. However, as you’ve synced to this routine, you start to get restless. It feels like you’re doing the same thing over and over. Now, falling into a routine isn’t all bad, but there are a few things you can try to spice up your relationship. Follow below for my five tips and tricks on how to spice up your relationship when cuffed.
1. Plan a Date Night & Get Dressed Up
Planning a date night and getting snazzy is one of the easiest ways to spice up your relationship. As young adults and college kids, when it comes to dates sometimes we take the easy way out. Staying in and ordering Chinese food while watching a new Netflix original is an easy go-to. However, when all you’re doing is staying in and not going out things get boring. Dressing up and going on a nice date adds more romance to the relationship. Plus, it forces you to get out, talk more, and get out of your comfort zone.
2. Take A Trip Together
I know that this is a hard one as college kids, considering we’re on tight budgets. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Plan a day-trip to a nearby destination, go on spring break together, or even plan a trip to one of your hometowns. Taking a trip together is a unique way to add a little spice to your relationship, and it doesn’t have to be overly extravagant. Also, it’s a great way to see your partner in another light. You’ll learn more about them while surrounded in a different environment. It’s a sure fire way to add some more romance.
3. Talk About Anything You’ve Been Avoiding
If you feel as if your relationship has gone dull or that something else is going on, bring it up. One of the biggest reasons we think the fire wavers while cuffed is because we keep things to ourselves. Like this issue for instance, if you’ve felt a shift in the relationship, talk about it! Once the two of you get your thoughts and feelings out there, you can get on a better path. Talking and straight up communicating is an easy way to spice up your relationship. You’re able to be on the same field as your partner and once you are things will get so much better.
4. Mix Up Your Routine
Routines get boring, we all know that. That’s why at least once or twice a week you should switch up your routine. There are simple ways that you can take your routine from 0 to 100 real quick. Here are a few ideas: make breakfast in bed, write a romantic letter, clean the house together, cook together, and show more PDA. These are simple ways for you and your partner to get closer. Mixing up your routing allows the two of you to spend time together in unique ways. It makes things more exciting again, like when you first started dating.
5. Have More Sex
Chances are if you’re feeling a need to spice things up, something in the bedroom can help. There’s a possibility that the two of you haven’t been intimate in a while and you’re feeling insecure about that. Go back to step three and talk about it. Have a casual chat about how you’d like to be more physical with your partner because it feels like it’s been a while since. Have more sex and try new things in the bedroom. A relationship is both physical and emotional. Once you’re on the same emotional page physically things will spice up.