How To Properly Take Care Of Your Skin This Fall

It’s about that time again! The transition from summer to fall months. Temperatures become cool the and leaves turn green to beautiful shades of scarlet and golden brown. The smell is different, the holidays are getting closer and closer…and…wait…why the heck is your skin so dry?
Changes in the season can often call for changes in your skin routine. Don’t fret! Here are some tips and tricks on how to properly take care of your skin this fall.
Moisture-Based Cleaner
Having clean skin is essential to keeping your skin looking brilliant and healthy. Cleaning is essential, as it will help to maintain proper pore size, decrease any excess oils, and allows acne products and other treatments to work effectively.
However, in the fall months, you might notice that the usual cleanser that you used in the summer might be too harsh skin, this is likely done to the cooler air.
It’s recommended to use a more moisture based cleanser or an oil-based scrub such as both of these products help to exfoliate and take gentle care of your skin but still help to your skin maintain moisture.
Suggested cleaners for the Fall Months might include Dove Beauty Bar for Sensitive Skin, Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser, or Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel.
Moisturizing your skills after cleansing is equally important in order to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. Side effects of having dry skin include flakiness and dull appearance, itchiness, and inflammation, sun damage, as well as the deepening of wrinkles (if you have any yet) and the formation of new ones due to dehydration.
You can take extra care of your skin by making sure that it’s damp, as this will allow the products to properly absorb. It may also help to layer on your products from light to thick in order to properly lock in moisture. (Steps to Layer: wash, medicine, moisturizer, then sunscreen.)
Great moisturizers include Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream, Rose Deep Hydration Face Cream, and Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Regenerating Cream Moisturizer.
Word to the wise: Go to Walmart and use Equate a.k.a the knock-off brand of Cetaphil, its the same exact ingredients for half of the price!
I know what you’re probably thinking. “Why on earth would I need sunscreen when there’s barely any sun outside?” According to, even though UVA rays are weaker in the winter, the UVA rays that are responsible for wrinkles, premature aging and damage are just as strong.
Incorporate sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher as the last part of your skincare routine-preferably not too long before you step outside, this is the best way to take care of your skin and protect it.
Facial Massages
Don’t kill me but here’s another anti-aging and moisture-retaining trick, night time facial messages.
Benefits of facial messages include increased circulation, relieved skin condition as, headaches and sinus congestion as well as the removal of impurities and toxins. However, my favorite benefit is the personal favorite-prevents wrinkles as more blood flow to these areas and increases more collagen!
I’ll typically use olive oil for my face messages, but there are other oils you can use such as grape seed, almond, argan, and jojoba oil.
I also recommend following skin guru Olgatoja, as she has a lot of tips and tricks of how to take care of your skin by using frequent face messages and videos where you can follow along with her.
You may have heard this many times before, but drinking water is the ultimate and best way to take care of your skin.
Drinking water is not only beneficial for your help but it helps to maintain your skin’s moisture level and cure dry skin. Not drinking enough water can lead to withered or haggard-looking skin.
Other benefits include an improved complexion, reduced puffiness, clear and tighter skin, and…fewer wrinkles (;
I recommend using the Drink Water Reminder app in order to help remember drinking your water frequently but with an adequate amount.