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How To Properly Spend A Long Weekend During The Summertime

How To Properly Spend A Long Weekend During The Summertime

How To Properly Spend A Long Weekend During The Summertime

After working an (almost) full work week, you’re probably looking forward to the long weekend ahead of you. Now comes the hard part; deciding what you want to spend the next few days doing. Here are some ideas that might get you going on what to do on your next long weekend.

Head to the beach (or the closest large body of water near you)

Depending on where you live, my first suggestion to wind down would be heading to the beach (or lake, river, pool, etc.). If tanning is your thing, slap on some suntan lotion, grab a magazine, your earphones, and soak up the sun. Take a dip in the water when you’re getting a little too hot to cool off, then repeat. Go with friends and make it a day trip; bring snacks and drinks and forget the stress of the past week (hint: watermelon and sangria).


Hit the local bars and dance

After spending the day at the beach, show off your new tan and let loose at your favorite local bar. Head home after the beach and get ready for the night with your closest friends. Blast music, drink wine, do each other’s makeup, and pick out outfits. Then, dance all your worries away at your local hotspot. You’ll be high on the great day you just had and maybe a little tipsy from the wine and will be completely in the moment.

Have a picnic at the park and bring arts and crafts

Hopefully you’re not too hungover when you wake up; if you are, spend the morning in bed, knock back some coffee, eat a big breakfast, and take a nap. In the afternoon, head to the prettiest park in your neighborhood with a group of friends. Bring food, a picnic basket, a cute blanket, and arts and crafts (I suggest coloring books). There’s nothing better than being able to relax in nature with good food and friends. Bringing arts and crafts is also a good chance to get creative, bond with friends, and be productive.


Plan a potluck with friends

After spending the day at the park, head to yours (or your friends) and have a potluck. Invite people over and ask them to bring their favorite dish. By the time everyone’s arrived, you’ll have a full blown buffet on your hands. Crack open a few bottles of wine (if you aren’t too scarred from the previous night), put on some throwback music, and have yourselves a classy adult party.

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Go to a museum or art exhibit

By now it’s Sunday, and you might be dreading the dawning of a new week in a day. Don’t let it get to you too much; you still have time to kick back and relax. Head to a museum for the day and forget your worries in some amazing art. It’s always nice to lose yourself in something that’s bigger than you. Check to see if there are any local art exhibits you haven’t been to before, or look up the most popular museums near you.


Wind down with a movie night

After a day of looking at art and a long weekend packed full of activities, wind down on Sunday night with some of your favorite movies. Dim the lights, crank up the AC, and pack on the blankets. Cuddle up with your SO (if you have one), or if you don’t, whip out your old teddy bear. It’ll be nice to spend time with one person (or none) after socializing all weekend. Don’t fret too much about the upcoming week and let yourself get lost in another world.

If you don’t know what to do for your next long weekend, hopefully this gave you some ideas for some fun Summer activities. Don’t let your weekend go to waste and make the most of your Summer. What’s your favorite thing to do on a long weekend? Comment below!

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