How To Manage Stress

We all lead busy lives that can get overwhelming at times. It can be a struggle to manage a busy schedule with an active social calendar and at times all we could do is stare blankly into space. This is when the stress sets in! How are you going to accomplish all the tasks you have to get done? All of a sudden your head starts hurting; you feel nauseous. You feel like laughing or crying… you’re not sure which one? Unfortunately, stress is not just going to disappear because we all have busy schedules that will feel overwhelming at one point. The best thing to do is to learn to manage stress. Here are 6 tips to help you manage stress and stay on task!
1. Exercise!
Getting your body active and away from the problem is a great way to melt the stress away. Exercising gives you something else to focus on besides what is causing you trouble. You will be able to clear your head for a while before having to address the issue again. The time away may even help you come up with a solution to the problem. Did we mention it’s good for you too?
2. Meditate.
In the same vein as exercising, meditation will help you focus on something other than the stress. Mindfulness can help you identify what is causing you stress in the first place, making it easier to determine how to best manage the matter. In the same way that exercise is good for the body, meditation is great for the mind.
3. Color it Away!
Stress and anxiety have become so ubiquitous in our society, that we are know forming markets around it. If you go to any store with a magazine stand, you will find coloring books designed to help you manage your anxiety and stress.The elaborate designs will keep you occupied for hours and soon you will forget about how overwhelmed you felt. These coloring exercises are great to help you calm down after an overwhelming occasion.
4. Write It Down!
Whether you write a journal entry detailing what is stressing you out or you open your planner to organize a particularly hectic week, seeing things written down can give you a sense of control. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing something off of a to-do list. Everything will seem more manageable when you can see it on paper. The overwhelming tasks become nothing more than items to tick off a list. With a new sense of control, you will soon notice a reduction in your stress levels!
5. Manage Your Time!
Speaking of lists, a great way to reduce your stress is to manage your time. Lists are your friend and a great way to organize your life. Breaking down your day into small tasks makes everything seem less stressful and more manageable. Whether it’s a big college paper or a presentation for work, creating a schedule will ensure that you finish everything on time. Keep in mind that things change and sometimes things don’t go as planned, so be flexible. Regardless of this, learning to manage your time will help you reduce your stress. With every task you finish, you will feel more accomplished and the stress will soon melt away!
6. Get More Sleep!
Stress is notorious for interrupting our sleep, but getting no sleep could also stress us out. What a paradox! However, sleep is necessary for a healthy lifestyle and an important part of self-care. To guarantee that sleep no longer evades you, here are a few simple things you can try. For instance, don’t consume any caffeine or alcohol before bed. Put away any phones or electronic devices that you might feel tempted to check all night long. Instead, read to keep your mind from wandering to a negative place. Remember that taking time for yourself is important for your health. Having a clear head to work with each day will help you confront stressful tasks with a clearer perspective.