How To Manage Being A Full Time Student In A Pandemic

COVID-19 has hit us all hard. And it’s hitting even hard now that I’m back at school and need to try and do well in classes in the midst of a pandemic. Managing school can be tough, but here are some tips to help you be your most product self even while fighting a pandemic!
Use a planner
I know this is like, the most cliche one in the book. But it really is so important! So, I’ll let you in on a tip. And this will go with my next recommendation, but I used to use my planner for both assignments and certain times I had to attend classes, appointments, etc. I found that all the things I had to go to and class times were taking up space, and I had less time for actual assignments and things I had to remember what to do! So, see next recommendation for more on that!
But yes, planners are super important. Keep it handy near you all the time, so when your professor mentions something, you can jot it down right away. Or, if you randomly remember something during the day, you also have the opportunity to write it down right away. Plus, if you have things written down, you can go through and put check marks when they’re done! How productive does that feel!
Utilize the calendar on your phone/computer
Okay, back to my last tip. The calendar on your phone and computer really is a God send. I’m one of those people who is all Apple-everything. What’s great about this is when you add something to the calendar on your computer, it also shows up on your phone, and vice versa. This is super convenient because you can schedule things on while you’re out and about by quickly looking at the calendar on your phone. You can also add locations, phone numbers, notes, and make things (like classes) reoccurring.
Get out of bed
What are you doing right now! Are you in bed? Get out of bed! You probably have school work you should be doing!
Okay, but really. I like, need that as my alarm every morning or something. When it’s the middle of a pandemic and most (if not all) of your classes are online, it’s totally easy to just stay in bed all day and do your classes and assignments from there. Managing school is going to be much harder if you’re overly comfortable, because then you are going to be more likely to get distracted or, even worse, fall back asleep. I mean, if you need a nap, girl you take that nap. But it’s important that during classes you are as attentive as possible, and you are producing assignments of high quality. I like to treat myself every once in a while by allowing myself to do maybe like a reading or something in bed, but most of the time I get up and sit at my desk instead. If sitting at a desk isn’t your thing, there’s other options! You can grab a blanket and go sit outside, or go to a library or study lounge!
Get dressed
This tip is pretty similar to getting out of bed, but I think it’s equally as important. I don’t know about you, but during the beginning of quarantine when I would rotate through the same pair of leggings and t-shirts, I would really miss putting cute outfits on.
By getting up and putting on an outfit that you would normally go to class in (no, do not go to class in pajamas), you already feel like you’re being more productive and you can more be better at managing school.
Even if it is something comfy, like a pair of leggings, pair it with a nicer blouse or sweater. After all, you do want to look cute in your Zoom classes! Bonus if you put on makeup and do your hair. You definitely do not need makeup, but hey, it is a nice confidence booster.
Spend time outside
Spending time outside is so good for your mental health during times of a pandemic and when it may be a struggle for you to be managing school. By getting outside, you’re getting fresh air, and talk about the serotonin that you get from fresh air. Even if you can’t get outside because maybe it’s raining or you don’t live in an area where you can just lounge outside, I have noticed that even on the worst of days, sometimes just opening a window helps a ton.
If you can get outside, go on a walk! Walk your dog! Lay in the sun and sunbathe while you do some class readings! By getting out of the same dorm room or apartment you may be spending all of your time in, you’re breaking up your day and going from place to place will definitely make you feel more productive. Going out to get some fresh air can help clear your head and cause you to come back and produce better work or concentrate on school better.
Stay in contact with friends and family
This, I think, is likely one of the most important parts of staying happy and healthy while managing school in a pandemic. Being away at school can be really tough. Being away at school in a pandemic that doesn’t allow you to easily see people can be even tougher. Schedule times for you to virtually stay connected with your friends and family! This will ensure that the effects of having more alone time do not get in the way of you managing school. Have virtual movie nights with your friends once a week! Call your mom and see what she has been up to. The possibilities here are endless.