How To Make The Best Baked Banana Chips

If there is something everyone knows about me, it’s that I’m absolutely obsessed with one thing: bananas. I live for the smell and the taste like it’s nobody else’s business! These delicious, sweet and healthy fruits are seriously the best. As a banana-freak, I tend to look up and try several banana based recipes that I can experiment with or that will save me time in the grocery store. Low and behold this recipe is a life saver: baked banana chips.
If you love acai bowls, peanut butter or are just craving a healthy snack, these treats are something you need to try. Okay no, these banana chips are good for just about everything but they do rule dipped in peanut butter, drizzled in honey or flat out, just as they are. Now hang in there with me; they make take 2 hours to make, but they are absolutely worth the wait. I promise. Here is how to make the world’s best baked banana chips.
PSA: if you are a terrible cook like myself, trust me these baked banana chip treats are beyond easy to make.
What You’ll Need:
2 bananas (duh).
1 Cup Lemon Juice (keep it fresh) (this also dehydrates the banana).
Cooking Spray (I recommend coconut cooking spray, it adds extra goodness).
Baking Sheet.
An Oven.
What To Do:
Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
Spray cooking spray to cover baking sheet.
Cut bananas into small slices (preferably ¼ inch).
Dip the banana slices into the lemon juice and place them onto the baking tray to be cooked.
Bake in the over until they are golden brown and crispy.
Fun Additions:
A fun addition to these treats is to drizzle chocolate, honey, Nutella or even peanut butter onto the treat once you are finished. Personally, I’m all about dunking these banana chips in Nutella cause the combination is heavenly, or add cinnamon and honey to them. If you love banana chips as much as I do you seriously should check out this easy, affordable and healthy recipe for baked banana chips.
Whats your favorite way to make baked banana chips? Leave us a comment in the section below!

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!