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How To Make Friends After Moving To A New City

How To Make Friends After Moving To A New City

Moving to a new city can be nerve-wracking. Being in a completely new environment can bring many worries. However, relocating is a great opportunity for change. It can be the perfect chance for a new start. One of the most exciting parts of moving is getting into a new routine and having the ability to make new friends. As you get older, it can be challenging to make friends. Thankfully, these tips will show you the best ways to make long-lasting and genuine friendships in a new city. 

1. Apps

There really is an app for just about anything now days. Apps are not only used for dating anymore, but for finding friends as well. The most popular app for this purpose is Bumble BFF. The popular dating app branched out and added a feature that helps you connect with friends of the same sex. There are other apps for this purpose as well, which can be found in the app store. Just as in dating apps, you can set your preferences, including age and distance. Then, you can match with potential people who come up. People’s profiles share photos and a quick bio about them, which help you decide if want to match with them. Once you match with someone, you can message them and start up a conversation. The best part about meeting people on a friend finding app is that you both have the same end goal. You both are trying to create new friendships, which removes a lot of the guesswork about the other person’s intentions.



This website is similar to using a friend finding app. However, this website organizes meetups for specific events that revolve around your interests. You can find nearly any event on here. This is great for people who want to get out and explore their new city, but don’t want to do it alone. This is also a great way to make new friends through shared experiences. 

3. Clubs

If you are still in college, there are many extracurricular activities on campus that will introduce you to tons of new people. Colleges often have a variety of clubs, so finding one that interests you is a great idea. Try checking out your college’s website to find which clubs they offer, then figure out how to join. 

4. Sports Teams

For those of you that are more athletic, joining a sports team is a great idea. This team could be within your school or also just a recreational team within your city. You can check online to see which sports teams are offered around your area. Even if you aren’t great at a certain sport, joining a team is a great opportunity to help you improve. Throughout practices and games, you will also get close to your teammates with all the time that you are spending together. Being on a team also brings a sense of unity, which can be fulfilling. 


5. Work

As you move to a new place, you most likely will find a new job as well. Your new coworkers have potential to be great new friends. Since you spend so much time together at work, it will be easy to get close with them. It can be a great idea to suggest hanging out outside of work to coworkers that you seem to click well with. Bonding over happy hour or dinner after work can help strengthen your relationship. It’s great to have a good bond with your coworkers both inside and outside of work, since you spend the majority of your time at work. 

6. School

Again, this way to make friends will be beneficial to those who are still in school only. However, if you’re not still in school, but are interested in taking a few classes, try looking into taking classes at a community college. Classes can be inexpensive and you can choose which subjects you are interested in learning more about. Being in school puts you in close proximity with others who are trying to learn. It can be easy to make friends with people that you see in class on a frequent basis. It can be as simple as turning next to the person that sits next to you and starting a conversation. 

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7. Workout Classes

Another great way to meet people is through doing something you already enjoy. Workout classes are a great way to find potential friends who have similar interests. There are plenty of group classes to choose from, so that you can be sure to find an activity you enjoy. A quick internet search will help you find cycling, yoga, zumba, pilates or dance classes. These classes put you in close proximity with other girls and gives you a great opportunity to build bonds with people in your new city. 

8. Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to help out your community. There are tons of organizations that need help in every city. All you need to do is take the time to look up possible openings for volunteers. This is an awesome way to do your part and serve others. Another benefit is the interaction you get with other volunteers and workers at the organization. This can be a great way to spend your free time, which will help you better yourself and make friends.


There are endless possibilities when it comes to moving to a new city.  It is completely up to you about which path you want to take. However, it is very important to find a great group of friends in your new town. The key to making friends is to open up and get involved in activities. Try starting up conversations and trying to find people who share common interests with you. These 8 tips give you great ways to start to find new friends. Just be yourself and you will find people you want to surround yourself with. Share any tips you have to make friends after moving in the comments below!

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