Categories: Relationships

How To Make An Awesome Tinder Profile

Technology has evolved a lot over time. We are able to meet people that are miles away from us, all through the power of the internet. This is especially helpful when it comes to dating. A couple decades ago, you have to go up to someone and strike up a conversation. You would not know anything about this person and you would have to hope for a connection. That is no longer the case. Now we have dating apps. You can create a profile for yourself that shows who you are, and people will decide if they want to talk to you. You and your match will get an idea of your compatibility before you even talk. That is what makes dating apps so great. One of the most popular dating apps out there is Tinder. It follows the basic format of creating a profile for yourself with pictures and a bio. People will be looking at profiles on Tinder and they will swipe right if they are interested and swipe left if they are not interested. So in order to end up with the person of your dreams, you have to try to make a profile that is both appealing and reflects your true self. Here are some tips that will help you accomplish those goals as well as have the best possible dating experience.

1. An Attractive Starting Photo

First impressions are always important. Some people will make their decisions right away based on a first impression. That is why your profile needs to start with a great photo. There are a few qualities that are important for a great first photo. An important one is that people can see you. You might have some photos of yourself where the lighting is kind of dark or you are not fully facing the camera. People won’t be able to get a good idea of what you look like. As shallow as it is, they should be able to get a good look at you when they see your profile. Also make sure your photo is by yourself. You don’t want someone to get to your profile and not know which person you are. Even worse would be they figure it out and get disappointed. It should be clear who you are. Finally, try not to make it a selfie. Get a full view of yourself without a phone covering it. A selfie is not the worst case scenario, but an actual picture would make it better. Put your best self out there to shoot your shot.

2. Photos With Friends

In order to prove that you are likable, you need to show that other people like you. That is why you need some pictures with friends. As mentioned before, this should not be your first photo, as that is just about you. However, you can’t have every photo be just of yourself. That will make it look like you don’t have friends and don’t really hang out with other people. Make sure to have some group shots of you and a couple of people having a fun time or posing for a group photo together. This will show that you are pleasurable to hang out with and that there are people who can vouch that you are not a creep. Because if you have no friends, people will not be sure that they can trust you. In terms of the mix of group photos and solo photos, maybe go around fifty fifty, maybe slightly ore solo shots so people can focus on you. Having friends is an important part of life and you need to show that you have people who like being with you, so someone else will want to be with you.

3. Pictures Out In The World

Apps like Tinder are meant to show the best version of you. You might be the type of person who spends all day in your home. That’s fine, but that is not going to look great in pictures. You don’t want all of your photos to be different angles in your house. Try to take some photos while you are out. If you ever see a pretty statue or a garden, try to get a photo for your profile. It will show that you like to go out and about and that you like to explore. It is also great to use some vacation photos. That will show that you are cultured and worldly. Not to mention that those photos will make for great conversation starters. There also might be some certain areas in your town that are known for great pictures, like a certain wall. Do some research on the local hotspots for photos. That may mean that a lot of people will have similar photos on their profile, but as long as you look hot, everything will be fine. These photos show that you are enjoying life and you love seeing what’s out in the world.

4. A Cute Pet

While you want to try to look super cool, you should also show the lovable side of you. And what is more lovable than a cute little animal? Try to have photos of you holding a cute little puppy or kitty. This will demonstrate that you can be a bit of a softie and that you are down to Earth. It will work especially well if it is your pet. That shows that you are responsible and caring if you are willing to bring a pet into your life. Some people might swipe on your profile just to meet that cute little animal. A swipe is a swipe, so that’s good enough. If you don’t have a pet, try a photo with a friend’s pet. If that’s the case, don’t make it one of your first few photos. Put it a little back so that people don’t get too excited right away. It will still show that you have the animal seal of approval, and they can sense if a person is trustworthy. So find that adorable pet and take a photo that will make anyone smile

5. Show Off Your Interests

A dating profile is almost like an advertisement for yourself. It is supposed to show who you are, what makes you interesting, and why should someone believe that you would be a good match for them. That is why an important part of a Tinder profile, both in photos and in the bio, is to show off your interests. Make it clear what you like and what are the important parts of your life. This is how someone will know what makes you tick. I am assuming that you have more than one interest, so try to put them all out there. It is great to put these interests in photos because people will see you in action and how this is something you are actually passionate about. However, you only get so many photos so if you can’t fit it, write it out in your bio. Potential matches should get the full idea to figure out compatibility. If you share an interest, that might make them more likely to match because it will give you two something to work off of. Be your authentic self and find someone who will appreciate that.

See Also

6. Informative Bio

People join Tinder for a variety of reasons, and those reasons are all valid. You just have to make those reasons upfront in your bio. Maybe you only want to be casual at the moment. You just want to hookup with some people, but you don’t want to actually be in something serious. Or maybe something serious is what you are going for. You might be on Tinder looking for love. These should always be made clear on your bio. If you don’t put it out there, someone may swipe right on you that seems great, but you both want different things. If you want to find someone that you will work with, make yourself clear. There are also some things you might want in a partner that you should make clear. These could be political beliefs, religious beliefs, positions on drugs, etc. These are things you can’t filter out when going on the app, but if you make it clear you want certain qualities in a person, you can avoid people that you won’t click with. Dating profiles should find you your best match, so make it clear who that match would be.

7. Witty Jokes

It’s always great to show off your sense of humor. You don’t want to come across as stiff or boring. Show that you are entertaining and that people can relax with you. That is why you should put your funniness in your bio. While you will be explaining who you are in a bio, you can also add some jokes in certain parts. They can be jokes related to your personality, or they can just be general jokes that you find hilarious. This will show that you are easy to talk to and that you love to laugh. It will also show compatibility in terms of sense of humor. Someone may see your jokes and the jokes might not be their cup of tea. This may seem like a small deal breaker, but it will be a representation of how your personalities will mesh. If you can’t laugh with your partner, it will make dating them less fun. Show what makes you chuckle and what brings you joy so that you can find a partner who will bring you joy as well.

8. Get Some Friends To Check It Out

So you finished your profile. You think it looks great and you are ready to put it out in the world. There is still one more thing you should do before you get to that point. Try to get some of your friends to look at your profile. Your profile may look great to you, but you are not the person swiping. You should get an outside perspective. And what serves as a better outside perspective than your friends. These are people who chose to have you in their lives because they like you, so they know your best qualities. They know what to emphasize and what will make you shine on a dating app. They will know your best angles and they will know the most fascinating information about you. Your friends will also know if you picked the right jokes. If you get these outside opinions, then you will be able to craft a profile that will make you look your best. Your friends picked you for a reason and with their help, someone else will see those reasons too.

Rachel Rosenfield

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