How To Make A Hair Mask That Will Actually Make Your Hair Grow

So you want to know how to make a hair mask that will actually make your hair grow. Well look no more because you have come to the right place! You can take all the pills and spells and flip your head upside down head massages you want, but this hair mask will actually give you REAL results and the more you use it the more results you will see.

1. Add Coconut oil, olive oil, honey into a bowl and mix them up!

You will be adding one tablespoon of each of these products into a small bowl and mix them up! Coconut oil is a great product that will make your hair AND skin nice and healthy. Coconut oil can heal all of your imperfections such as pimples, dry skin, it can remove makeup and do so much more. The olive oil can be interchanged with castor oil. This is a simple oil that can be found at your local grocery store and works wonders to make your eyelashes grow!

2. Crack an egg and mix it in

The egg is going to be the most important part of this mixture. All of these products are going to add nutrients to your hair that are going to make it shiny and moisturized. This is really what is going to make your hair grow because the healthier it is the faster the follicles will produce more hair. If your hair is damaged, it will continue to split and break making the process take much longer.

3. Rub mixture into your scalp and throughout your hair

To make a hair mask really work your must rub it into the hair follicles, but ensuring that it is distributed throughly throughout your hair. This can be done on dry hair and is going to make sure that all of your hair is receiving the treatment and will help the hair that is already grown out repair any damage that is already done.

4. Leave hair mask in for 1 hour +

Leave the hair mask in for at least an hour, but the longer you have it in the better. There will be no harm done to your hair if you leave it in for a long time as it will only continue to nourish the hair. You can hold it together with a hair clip that can be easily washed off and then wrap your head in a plastic shopping bag. The plastic bag with keep all your hair in place and will keep the product soaking into your head rather than evaporating.

See Also

5. Rinse with cold water and wash with shampoo and conditioner

This is when you can wash your hair. Make sure to do this with cold water! When you make a hair mask, especially with egg it is important to wash your hair with cold water so that it your hair remains slick. Hot water can damage your hair further and can even cause your hair to slit. Make sure you use a moisturizing hair mask as well and nothing that will be too rough on your hair.

6. Use this product 2 to 3 times per week

To make a hair mask is one thing, but to continue to use it is a whole other thing. When you a make a hair mask you must continue to use it in order to get the desired results. The egg will give your hair a lot of the protein it needs to remain healthy, smooth, shiny, soft and stop breaking. Give it a chance! Eventually your hair will be long and beautiful just as you wanted it. But you have to use it consistently!

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Featured Image Source:
Sarah Ritondale

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