How To Love Yourself Every Day and Forever

It’s time to celebrate and educate on the beauty of self-love! You owe yourself the love that you give to other people. There’s a big misconception that love themselves is conceded, and that is not true in the slightest! It is so important to love yourself because it is a large part of your mental health and attitude in all that you do. Whether you struggle with self-love or looking to revive how you love yourself, it’s always a good idea to check-in on yourself.
Time For You!
The first part of loving yourself is to give yourself the time that you deserve to relax and reflect. Reflect on what makes you who you are today. What experiences lead you to this point? How are you feeling about who you are? Reflection can take a lot of forms like journaling, walking, listening to music, going on a run, or whatever you find inner-peace in. This time is for you! We will often ourselves putting our energy into other people or activities, but it is also really important to put time into yourself.
Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. This means that you don’t need to live under a blanket of pressure. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Not having the ability to forgive yourself is what stops you from movement and growth in your life. Forgiveness is hard, and it might take a second to figure out exactly what you need to forgive yourself for. What do you regret? Is there an experience that is difficult for you to talk about or think about? Remind yourself that you are trying your best and that you are doing a great job. Remind yourself that you are proud of the obstacle you have faced. Write yourself a note. Free yourself from this burden that is preventing you to love yourself fully.
You are the shit. When is the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror just to face yourself? Look in the mirror without checking if you look okay or judging yourself on whether you’re acceptable for the public. Face yourself as a person. Tell your reflection that you’re a beautiful stunning boss and mean it. What do you love about yourself? Say it out loud. Saying what you love about yourself out loud makes it real and known. Make your thoughts a pleasant place to be.
What would it look like if you were yourself around all the people you interact with? If you leave a conversation feeling anxious or feeling low, chance are you were using a lot of energy avoiding your authentic self. This doesn’t mean that you weren’t genuine in conversation, but it means that you withheld the truest, raw version of you. Be honest with your people. Instead of trying to hide your flaws, let people know what you are struggling with. “I sometimes put people down during conversations. If I ever make you feel lesser-than, please let me know. I do not mean to do this.” This is authentic and allows you to make the mistakes you need. Authenticity shows others how to love you too. Love yourself, and others will love you.
Seek Self-Love
Instead of looking for others to love you, love yourself and others will love that about you. You can tell when someone is practicing self-love. There is an authentic ray of light that seems to beam off that person and people are attracted to it because loving yourself is so freeing. Seek ways to love yourself and constantly work on loving who you are. Others will notice your confident loving vibe and become attracted to it. Loving yourself also shows others how to love you.
Discover Ways To Love Yourself
Always seek new ways to love yourself. Is there a new beautiful spot you like to do your work in? Work there! Does reading before bed relax you? Read on! Keep up those daily check-ins with how you feel. When you discover ways to love yourself a do them, this shows your people how they can love you. Your people will notice and take note of ways you make yourself happy and they will emulate that to show their own love to you. Create and discover your own love language!
This is a big one. Part of loving yourself is making sure you take care of your body. Loving yourself mentally does not work if you do not also love yourself physically. Wash yourself with care. Feed yourself. Be active. Rest. Hydrate. Wear clothing you feel confident in. Create a clean space to rest your body in. Taking care of yourself physically is the first step in showing your body that you love it. Focus on having both a healthy mind and a healthy body. Trust me, you deserve it.
You Are Enough
You are uniquely you and comparison is a distraction from who you really are. Nothing ever positive comes from comparing yourself with others. In fact, comparison breeds anger, jealously, and inauthenticity. You are able to do something that is uniquely amazing to your abilities. There’s no other person you should be comparing yourself to because you are the only one with your unique abilities and life experiences. You are enough and uniquely you.
Find Your People
Although no person is exactly like you, people are still a big support system. Find people you support you in your mission of self-love. Don’t think of it as find people to love you. Instead, find people who you can positively love yourself around. Surround yourself with people who accept you and who are also positively authentic! Stick with people who make you feel like you don’t have to work hard for acceptance. Use this group of people to inspire you and challenge you to continue to love who you are!
You are encouraged to find new ways to love yourself and grow! What are the ways that you love yourself? Let us know in the comments!
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Julia grew up in a town just outside of Chicago. She currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee where she is a junior Creative Writing and Literature major at Rhodes College. Julia prefers to spend her days outside writing stories for others to find joy in. Other than story-telling, you will find Julia running on her college track and field team and traveling the world.