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How To Know You’re Definitely From Hayward

How To Know You’re Definitely From Hayward

If you grew up in Hayward then the chances are pretty good that you can relate to at least some of the points I have listed here!

Hometown characteristics are often the source of pride as they are few and far between when you live in a small city. Even if the professional accolades aren’t decorated throughout the town, there are also the little things that make your city unique. You know you’re from Hayward if any of these thoughts have ever crossed your mind.

You Get Excited When Someone Mentions The Bay

Most of the time they are referring to San Francisco or Oakland, but you always take this opportunity to talk about Hayward. Referencing the pinpoints of the hyphy movement and area code debates often come up in conversation. When you grow up in a small city it seems to increase your desire to talk about it whenever given the opportunity.

Memories Are Attached To Different Areas

Despite Hayward being one of many cities, there are also divisions within that bring about different responses. From the main library Downtown to the Walgreens in the South, you know you’re from Hayward if you have a specific attachment to one of these areas. Whether you grew up in the West or not, you proudly defend it against anyone.


You Remember Where Circuit City & MacFrugals Used To Be

Talk about a major throwback for the slightly older crowd. You know you’re from Hayward if you remember a time before these stores somehow all morphed into dd’s discounts. When you couldn’t make it all the way to Radio Shack and before Best Buy was even a thing, you frequented Circuit City for the latest electronics or to look at CDs while your parents browsed. The blue letters of MacFrugals still easily pop up in your head from time to time too!

You Ate At Sbarro’s Whenever In The Southland Food Court

Something about downstairs mall pizza that seemed to excite your preteen self. It was one of the few things you could afford (on those days you didn’t want Hot Dog on a Stick) and you devoured the grease with ease. You know you’re from Hayward if you shudder at the amount of pizza you digested in those days and if you wonder if you could handle all that dough now.

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You Have Multiple Groups Of Friends

One of the great things about Hayward is that everyone under the sun seems to live here at some point. Some have moved away while others remain but whenever you step into the grocery store, you seem to run into someone you know. Maybe it’s someone you went to high school with or played soccer with many years ago, everyone is connected in some way. This has made for some entertaining times, but it can also be a burden when you are trying to make a quick trip to the store for some milk.

Tom Hanks and Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Often cited as our two greatest accomplishments, you know you’re from Hayward if you have ever claimed these two. I remember my older brother had a copy of The Rock Says and I was absolutely blown away when Dwayne Johnson said he was born in Hayward, CA. Sitting in my room in the same Hayward, it was like we were connected even though we were not on the same level. Then in later years, Tom Hanks credited his time at Chabot College in Hayward as having a significant impact on his career. Whether we will all achieve their level of fame is unknown, but it does not take away the fact that our city had something to do with it!

You know you’re from Hayward if you have & always believed that the west coast is the best coast! What do you think are some of the signs you’re from Hayward? Tell us in the comments!
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