How To Know You Should Transfer Schools

To say it’s been a wild 2017 for me so far would be an understatement. Let’s rewind it back to January 1st, when my life looked like this: I was a freshman English major at a small liberal arts college, a future (ex)-sorority member and an involved student on my school’s campus. I’ll be honest. I didn’t come into my freshman year wanting to transfer. I thought I had found my dream school where I would make a lifetime of memories within the next four years. No one wanted it to work more than I did. But this is how I knew I was going to be a transfer student.
The truth was, I realized early on that my liberal arts college wasn’t the place for me. Between the small classes, limited amount of activities around town, limited academic programs in my major, lack of school spirit and a difficult social life, it became apparent to me that I needed to make a change. But I repressed that gut instinct for a while. Why? Because I’m not one to give up easily. I wanted to thrive, I wanted to make the college the right place for me. I wanted to beat the odds, and I wanted to give it a fair chance. Point blank, I never thought I would be a transfer student.
Like many college freshmen, my first semester of college was not easy. I came to campus excited about the possibilities my school had to offer. I jumped in feet first: I tried out for the Acappella groups, I became an active member of a Christian Fellowship, I joined a sorority, and I even helped to raise service dogs. On the outside, I seemed to be doing just fine. I should have been doing just fine; But I wasn’t. I couldn’t help but think, why wasn’t this all enough?
By the time second semester arrived, I didn’t feel like myself anymore, and not in a good way. I became lost in a sea of doubt. I decided to apply elsewhere three weeks into second semester. With this decision came more disappointment, confusion, anxiety and trial than I could have ever anticipated. Was I not giving it enough of a chance? Was this selfish? Too fast?
I determined there were factors about my small school that as I grew, they couldn’t grow with me. The cuts made in my major’s program, the small environment and the secluded location were not things I could single-handedly change.
The hard truth I had to realize was that I was a different person than I was at 17. It was like trying on the same pair of jeans two years later: What may have fit me back then didn’t fit me anymore. In order to grow, I had to go.
While making the phone call home to let my parents know of my decision and setting up a new Common App Account weren’t the most glamorous or highest points of my academic career, I’m glad I did both.
Never did I think I would be transferring after freshman year, but if life has taught me anything so far, it’s to expect the unexpected – and to embrace it. There’s no single clear-cut path for success, and everyone’s experiences in college are truly different. I don’t regret my freshman year nor do I regret my decision to attend my former college. I think needed to be there in order to see that Delaware should be a part of my future.
I’m choosing to come to the University of Delaware this fall because of the amazing English Education program, the diverse academics, the undying school spirit, the genuine excitement of the students and the active town of Newark. It also doesn’t hurt that former Vice President Joe Biden and Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco make casual alumnae appearances on campus from time to time.
In all seriousness, I acknowledge that it will be hard at times as a transfer, but I am so excited for the adventures and new opportunities that await me in Newark this fall. Whether you’re about to transfer, thinking about transferring or have already transferred, take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Trust your instincts. Learn to trust yourself. This is your life and you’re in control. College is about growing and finding yourself – even though your path may look completely different from what you had planned, follow it.
With that, let the (transfer) journey begin!
Are you a transfer student and had this same experience or similar!? Share in the comments below!
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!
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