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How To Keep Things Spicy In The Bedroom

How To Keep Things Spicy In The Bedroom

If you are in a long-term relationship, you’ll know it can be hard to keep things sexy and playful in the bedroom after a while of being in the same routine. Life can get in the way and make having one-on-one time difficult for you and your special someone, so here are some ways to keep things spicy in your own bedroom!

Change Up Your Routine

For me personally, my job, school, and housework can get in the way of actually spending time with my significant other. Due to both my boyfriend and I’s jobs, most of our quality time is spent making dinner and eating it while we binge-watch a new Netflix show, followed by passing out afterward. It’s a nice routine, but it doesn’t always leave much room for sex, and especially not the “spice up your life” kind of sex. So, what I try to do from time to time is switch things up! Surprise your significant other with dinner every now and then! If you’re not much of a cook, order in! Either way, set the table and light some candles to get into the mood. It may sound cheesy and unoriginal, but when is the last time someone did something like that for you?

This kind of gesture is romantic, regardless of how well it is set up. At the end of the day, it is the thought that counts. It also does not even need to be dinner and some candles. Suggest going out! Overall, changing up your routine in some way will inspire you and your boyfriend to rekindle the magic and keep things spicy in the bedroom afterward.

Try On Something New

For those of you that have never tried surprising your man with a new lingerie outfit, now is the time to try it if you’re feeling a bit stuck in the same routine lately. Lingerie can spice up your sex life like you wouldn’t believe! Especially if you have found the right kind. Don’t just grab a random pair of lingerie if you aren’t comfortable in it. Trying on a new outfit for your significant other shouldn’t just be just for him, but it should also make you feel confident and sexy. If you feel confident, then the sex between you and your partner will be significantly better than if you don’t.

Incorporate Food

Adding in food to your bedroom play can truly make it a night to remember. Whip-cream, chocolate, even that canned cheese spray will do the trick. As long as it is something different and exciting, it will definitely spice up your sex life!

Switch Up The Scenery

By keeping things spicy in the bedroom, try moving things out of the bedroom. It doesn’t need to be somewhere extreme. If you usually have sex in your own bedroom room, try having it on the couch in the living room, in the shower, or maybe even on the kitchen counter while making dinner! If it’s in someplace new, then I’m sure it will also inspire both of you to try new positions as well.

Get A Hotel Room

Speaking of changing the scenery, having sex in an entirely new space will always cause a certain kind of thrill, even if it is just for one night. Grab a bottle of champagne or wine to make the night even more special, especially when you don’t have to clean up after yourself afterward. Having a night where you are in your own little world helps with not having to worry about those menial little chores or bills that can ruin the mood.

Look Up New Positions

There are hundreds, yes, hundreds of sex positions out there to choose from. So go and do some research! You can only do missionary so many times before it starts to get a tad boring. Try and surprise your partner with a new position, or even better, look up new ones with him! Talk on what both of you want to try. Be open with one another and don’t be afraid to say no to certain things and yes to others. Remember, communication is key to any healthy and sexy relationship.

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Buy A New Toy

Sex toys can be a life-saver for couples who don’t know what else they can do to spice up their sex life. Trying new positions is great every now and then, but there are only so many to go through before you can start to get bored. There is an endless amount of sex toys out there to choose from, so I am sure there will be one that will benefit both of you. Going out and searching for one together can also be fun and instill some ideas early on!

Put On Some Music

This may seem like common sense and already be in many peoples’ routines, but it wasn’t until recently that I started incorporating it into mine. And it makes all the difference. Having music in the background can truly heighten the experience and take you to a whole new world. If you haven’t tried it, I would highly suggest giving it a go if you want to spice things up a bit.

Schedule Some Alone Time

Scheduling some bedroom time doesn’t sound as sexy and fun as it could, but trust me, having something to look forward to can make all the difference in your sex life. Anticipation can make both you and your partner think of nothing else but each other until the night of. Glancing at the date on the calendar will maybe even give you ideas on what you’ll want to try on the day of. Knowing when that special day can also give you time to set the mood. Incorporating a few candles and sprinkling some rose petals everywhere will never fail to make your night that much more special, regardless if it is planned or not.

What did you think of these tips? Leave us a comment below!

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