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How To Keep A Healthy Routine When Starting A New Job

How To Keep A Healthy Routine When Starting A New Job

How To Keep A Healthy Routine When Starting A New Job

Keeping a healthy routine is always important, however more so when your life is changing and you’re dealing with a new job.  Follow along for 6 tips on how to keep a healthy routine when starting a new job!

1. Sleep

This one almost goes without saying but, be sure to get enough hours of sleep each night. For some, that might be 6 hours, for others, it might be 10. I know it’s easy to sacrifice sleep and it might seem worth it in order to get more work done when you want to impress your new boss. In the long run, however, cutting corners when it comes to sleep actually affects your health and productivity. You should try to establish a regular bedtime and wake-up time as part of your healthy routine, so you may feel your best and perform at your peak. Some recommend going to sleep early so you may rise and shine, however that isn’t the case for everyone. Not everyone’s circadian rhythm–the body’s internal clock–is the same, therefore you should find what’s best for you. Quality of sleep also matters. 6 hours of calm sleep aren’t equal to 9 hours of restless sleep. Find ways to ensure you get a calming, refreshing snooze. For me, that means avoiding coffee after 6pm as well as putting my phone down about an hour before bedtime so my brain starts powering down.

2. Flexible Schedule

If you’re lucky enough to have a job that offers different shift times, try to make the most of it! Talk to your boss about maybe covering different shift times to see what works best for your new healthy routine. Personally, I prefer very early morning 8-hour shifts, as I enjoy having the afternoons and evenings for myself. However, many of my coworkers prefer the afternoon shifts, as it allows them to sleep in while also enjoying the nightlife. Doing different shift times in order to find your perfect fit might be tiring at first, but the payoff is worth it!


3. Meal Prep

We’ve all heard of this technique, but few implement it for fear that the food stored for the week will go bad, some don’t like repeating meals constantly, and others just think it’s too much work. Meal prepping is a highly effective way of keeping a healthy routine, saving money, and adding flexibility to your schedule. You could go the more traditional route if you like and meal prep on the weekends for the whole week, you may meal prep for 2-3 days in advance, or just meal prep the night before! Any of the abovementioned routes allow for healthy and varied meals. The goal, in this case, would be to have easy access to healthy meals without having to rush in the mornings or cook when you arrive home after work. Bonus points if you also prep your snacks for work! This is great because you avoid having to get snacks from unhealthy vending machines, and can focus on energy-laden foods, such as fresh fruits and nuts, to help get you through your day. Personally, I love a bowl of fresh fruit as a mid-morning snack to get me through the rest of the day.

4. Don’t Forget To Move

It’s all too common to set exercise aside when starting a new job. You’re trying to figure how to get everything done, you’re prioritizing as you go, and you feel like you just don’t have time to exercise. Nonetheless, there are multiple ways to incorporate exercise into your new work-life and healthy routine. First, and it may not be accessible for everyone, try to find a gym that is closest to your work. You could stop by there on your way to the office, get in a quick 30-minute workout, and, as most gyms offer shower facilities, you could get ready for work there and be on your way! Or you could always stop by after work. Better yet, if you’re lucky enough that your work has an in-house gym, you could always visit it before or after your shift. If gyms aren’t in the realm of possibility for you, you can add in little workouts throughout your day, such as parking farthest from your work entrance, taking the stairs, or taking a quick lap around the office every hour or so. Just remember: keep active and stay focused!

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5. Make The Most Of Your Commute

Don’t waste your commute! Whether you drive to your work or use public transportation, there are many ways to take advantage of your commute and incorporate it as part of your healthy routine. If you drive, you could always press play on that audiobook you’ve been dying to listen to, play the newest album from your fave artist, or even enjoy the time with a soft meditation. If you use public transportation, i.e your eyes don’t need to be on the road, you could actually read a book or a newspaper, catch up with friends and family by phone or text, or organize your household. Truly, the opportunities are endless. My personal favorite is listening to podcasts during my commute. Pro tip: Don’t use your commute to get an early start on work, prioritize yourself and use it for your own enrichment.

6. Set Boundaries

I know you want to impress your boss, show what you’ve got, and be a team player, however, don’t forget to prioritize yourself as well. You can achieve all of your work goals without sacrificing your personal life. Set boundaries early on in your new job. If possible, leave your work tasks at work, and cultivate your life outside of work. Connect with friends, family, and regularly partake in hobbies that you love. It’s not always perfect, but strive to maintain a work-life balance that benefits both your personal and professional life.

What do you think of these healthy routine tips? Do you have any that you’d like to add? Let us know in the comments down below!