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How To Improve Creativity Skills In The Workplace

How To Improve Creativity Skills In The Workplace

Feeling uncreative? Here's some advice on how to improve creativity while at work to improve your performance for your job!

No matter what field you work in, whether it is journalism or engineering, you will need to be able to be creative in one way or another. Your boss will expect you to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to problems that arise. However, it is easy to get stuck in a rut. When you hit a creative block, there are ways to move past it and come up with solutions to any problem or project. Here’s how to improve creativity when you’re stumped!

1. Bounce your ideas off others

Collaborating with others is one of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing. Talking to others allows you to gain a new perspective on a topic you may have been thinking about for days or weeks. Fresh ideas can lead to even more new ideas or different ways to approach a problem, which is needed when solving new problems. This is one of the best ways of how to improve creativity in the workplace!

2. Create something every day

Creating something every day is a great way to keep your creative juices flowing. Even if it is not something directly related to your field, coming up with something you want to make or a problem you want to solve allows your brain to think about new things. This can help if something comes up in the future that you already have experience working on. Even the act of coming up with something to create every day can be seen as a challenge that you may need to solve in your field.


3. Change up your routine

While routines can be comfortable, after a while, they make you get into a rut in your daily life. Breaking a routine, whether it is in your drive to work or where you go for lunch, can give you new ideas, even though these things are not necessarily connected to work projects. Changing your routine creates new connections in your brain, which help fuel creativity. It can also allow you to meet new people, have new experiences, or solve problems you did not have before.

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4. Learn new things

Learning new things opens you up to a world of new ideas and fresh perspectives. If you are working on something, going to workshops that discuss that can help you learn what is new in that project area and will give you insight as to how to approach a solution. This is especially helpful if you are unfamiliar with a topic. Even if you are familiar and are up to date, it can be useful to be reminded of things since you may overlook the most basic facts of the topic.


5. Practice the art of freewriting

Freewriting is the practice of writing whatever comes to mind for a set period of time. It gives you a chance to clear your mind of things that may be worrying you, which opens up your creative spirit and helps you think clearly. You may choose to freewrite about the problem, which allows you to get initial thoughts out and allows you to process the solution on a deeper level. Freewriting also gives you a chance to let out any anxieties you may be feeling about the project.

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