How to Impress your Boss this Fall

How to Impress your Boss this Fall
Impressing your boss can be tough, but we have got you covered. No matter what your job is, odds are you probably have a boss. All bosses are different but at the end of the day the same things make them all happy. Here are some great ideas on how you can impress your boss this fall.
Be on Time
There is nothing more important than being on time and being consistent with it. It is a great yet subtle way to show someone that you respect them and value their time. It shows the commitment you have to your job and how you are a reliable part of the team. There is nothing more annoying for a boss or coworker than someone who is constantly late. Being on time will help you grow in the company and overall gain respect from everyone in your work environment.
Good Communication
Just as it is in any relationship, good communication is key to impressing your boss this fall. Be open, honest, and up front with any issues or needs that you have. Keep in contact about progress on tasks and scheduling conflicts. Having good communication with your boss will make your work environment more comfortable, as you will feel free to express your wants and needs as an employee. If I have learned anything over the years of working for many different people it is that 99% of problems can be solved with good communication. Whether it is a text, email, phone call, or conversation, anything or any problem that is confronted is much more likely to be solved.
Dress to Impress
This is a rule I have always lived by. Dress to impress. It is simple really, you want to be taken seriously?… look like it. Your outfit and appearance introduces you before you do, and it is a lot more important than you think. Take this with a grain of salt, you may not work in a super professional environment. You may be a nanny or bartender or waitress. Regardless if your job has professional attire or not, it is important to look out together and the best you can to fit your scene. Now I am not talking about specific beauty standards or trends, but more so getting at the fact that looking put together and professional will really impress your boss. Zara is a great place to shop for work clothes due to their variety of different clothing and basics. You can find dress pants and blazers for working in a professional environment, dresses and casual clothes if working as a hostess or nanny, and tons of basics that are great for restaurants and other service industry jobs. Above all, always dress to impress.
Use Your Voice
One of the best ways to impress your boss and stand out among your coworkers is to make your voice heard. Ask as many and all the questions that you have. Be outspoken with your new ideas that can add to the quality of the work place. Speak your mind, but be careful to not come across as rude or conceding. Using your voice will open endless doors because bosses value those who are able to contribute a much as possible, ask questions to fully understand what is expected of them, and build connections and get to know the people that you are working with along with customers or clients.
It is never a bad idea to go above and beyond by volunteering for for extra tasks this fall. This will surely impress your boss. This is especially good to do when you are looking for a promotion or moving up in your position or company. It is a great way to show your boss that you are able to handle more on your plate and you are ready for it. So take the next step, offer to do more, ask where else you could be needed, because it will definitely pay off in the long run.
Positive Mindset
Nobody likes working with a negative Nelly. Having a positive mindset will not only impress your boss, but make them enjoy being around you. I feel like positive people are so rare these days that when you find someone who is it almost feel like a breath of fresh air. So be that breath of fresh air in the work place. A positive mindset will also make your coworkers more eager and happy to work with you. All around it is a win win!
Be Attentive
Attentiveness is another thing that feels so rare these days, but is so so important especially in the workplace. Staying off your phone as much as possible is a great way to achieve this and become more attentive. Other non verbals are important too to show attentiveness such as, nodding in a way of understanding or agreeing, body focused and pointed to the speaker, and eye contact. Taking notes actively while your boss is talking and asking relevant questions are also great ways to show your attentiveness. Being attentive will impress your boss by showing them that you are focused, driven, and present in your work. Overall it will show your boss that you care.
Be a Problem Solver Not a Problem Maker
Have the mindset of fixing the problems that occur in your work place rather than creating them or complaining about them. This will show your boss that you are adaptable in a variety of environments and aim to work things out rather than stir the pot. Again no matter what your work environment is like this will create a professional image of you to your boss and they are guaranteed to be impressed.
Time Management
I love the saying work hard play hard because it is so true. Managing your time is the key to success anywhere and your boss is sure to agree. Your bosses know that you have a life outside of work and it is not so much about that and more about how you manage it. Time management looks different for everyone but the first step is getting your priorities straight. Writing my schedules, cleaners, and planners help me manage my time well. I make sure to balance work, school, and social the best I can and when one of them lacks it is important to know how to get it back to speed. Set goals and intentions for yourself and you are sure to find success in managing your time.
I am a 22 year old student at Depaul University living in the heart of Chicago