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How To Host A Great Summer BBQ

How To Host A Great Summer BBQ

A summer BBQ is the perfect way to relax with friends on a hot day when you have nothing to do but enjoy the sun. Here are some great views to host the perfect summer BBQ for you and all your friends!

1. Ask your guests to bring food

Depending on how big you want your summer BBQ to be, it’s a good idea to ask guests to bring food to contribute, otherwise, you’ll end you spending a way too much money on hotdog buns.

2. Make homemade cocktails

This could be done in advance or with the guests on the day. Some easy cocktail recipes include Sex On The Beach, Woo Woos and Cosmopolitans. You could even decorate them with fancy umbrella sticks and fruit if you want to kick it up a notch.


3. Prepare side dishes in advance

To avoid realising you’ve messed up the timings on all your cooking while your guests are getting hangry, it’s a good idea to prepare the side dishes in advance of the guests arriving. Some great side dishes are coleslaw, garden salads, and nachos with salsa and guacamole dip.

4.  Create the perfect playlist

Some banging tunes are a must. Create a great summery playlist before your guests arrive so you don’t have to worry about the stress of DJing and deciding which song to choose next every three minutes. If music’s not your thing, there are already some great playlists ready to go, including one by Spotify that is literally called ‘Summer BBQ’, sounds perfect!

5. Think of a fun game for you and your guests

This one depends on what type of vibe you’re going for with your BBQ. If you’re thinking more of a boozy BBQ, drinking games are a must! Think never have I ever, ring of fire or whatever else you can think of. If you’re opting for a more chilled out vibe then just replace the alcohol with a mocktail or something else non-alcoholic!


6. Set up a nice space to sit outside

For a cute summer BBQ setting, you could set up bean bags outside with fairy lights to create a cosy and comfortable atmosphere. Picnic blankets are also a must. You can really get creative with how you set the outdoors up so have fun with it!

7. Stock up on the sauces

What burger is complete without lathering it in Heinz ketchup? Make sure you stock up on essentials before your guests arrive and this goes further than just sauces, make sure you have enough napkins, plates, cups and cutlery ready to go for when the food’s ready.

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8. Don’t forget dessert!

Dessert will definitely kick your BBQ up a notch, there are so many great recipes you could prepare for this. If you’re looking for an easy option something like a simple fruit salad would be perfect. Otherwise, you could be a little fancier and prepare something like Eton Mess or homemade ice lollies.

9. Prepare for the weather

Any Brit knows the weather can change at the drop of a hat so make sure you’re prepared for the worst. A canopy is a great way to keep the rain off you and your guests but if worst comes to worst you can always frantically move all the food and blankets inside.

10. Don’t let hosting stress you out!

Remember to enjoy yourself and not worry too much about everything going perfectly. Hosting can be stressful so try and focus on the positives and enjoy the time spent with your pals.


Do you agree with our list? What’s your top tip on how to host the perfect Summer BBQ?