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How To Have The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal Using Food From Cracker Barrel

How To Have The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal Using Food From Cracker Barrel

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and you’ve been so busy preparing the Thanksgiving meal for dinner that you’ve neglected the breakfast menu! You don’t really have the time to make something great for the other mealtime but, luckily, an idea begins to form in your head. Cracker Barrel, one of your favorite places to eat, has a shop where you can buy lots of country type food. Alright, so you know where you can go to get easy to make food, but what food should you buy? By consulting our list below, you can determine what Cracker Barrel food items to buy to make the most out of your less important Thanksgiving meal!

Cracker Barrel Buttermilk Pancake Mix

A common breakfast food, buttermilk pancakes should be one of the first things you think of when you create your Thanksgiving meal. Now, you probably have your hands full with preparing the Thanksgiving dinner, so buying this pancake mix, which takes no time at all to make, is a good idea. If you have a house full of people, have someone clean up your mess as you make the pancakes. Since you’re planning on having a breakfast that will rival your dinner, cleaning up is essential. This will allow you to make room for the baking supplies you’ll need for the other dishes.

Cracker Barrel Corn Muffin Mix

You don’t want to just serve pancakes for your Thanksgiving meal. You need to have at least one other dish that can go along with it. That’s where corn muffins come in. By themselves, corn muffins aren’t really enough to fill someone up in the morning. You’ll have all your Thanksgiving guests asking you if you can make something else to. You can avoid losing your mind over this request by making corn muffins the side dish, and not the main. Like pancakes, the muffins will not take long to bake. You can even cook them both and have them be ready at the same time! 


Pure Natural Pancake Syrup

It would be best to pick up some natural syrup too while you’re at Cracker Barrel. You may have some syrup at home, but it’s been so long since you had pancakes that you’re not sure. A Thanksgiving meal that has pancakes without syrup will make your guests the meal is incomplete. Worse yet, they may think you purposely decided not to buy any and label you a cheapskate. Plenty of problems that you’ve probably never thought about could occur if you pass up something as small as syrup, so save yourself the hassle and get a couple bottles.

Pork Sausage Sampler

Sausage links or patties are another classic breakfast dish that would be perfect for your Thanksgiving meal. Grab a pan from the cupboard and start throwing down the sausage patties. At the same time, have your reluctant helper scrub down the griddle you used for the pancakes and start placing dozens of sausage links on it. The smell of sizzling sausage can be used, if you’re desperate for more help, as a lure for other family members who will no doubt wander into the kitchen looking to eat. Instead, they will find themselves helping you cook breakfast for everyone!

Sausage and Cheese Gift Box

Once you have enough people at work making the early day Thanksgiving meal, find a cutting tray and arrange sausage and cheese as an appetizer. At this point, more and more of your family members are waking up, and this should hopefully tide them over until the main breakfast dishes are ready. This gift box even contains different types of sausage and cheese, so everyone will have the ability to mix and match their favorites. The two types of sausages are beef and Ozark, and the available cheeses are Colby and cheddar. 


Premium Nut Box

For a healthier Thanksgiving meal option, consider purchasing a nut box from Cracker Barrel. In addition to being a nutritious breakfast meal, these nuts can also be placed next to the sausage and cheese tray. More appetizers means a happier family, which should be your number one goal on Thanksgiving. When your family members head over to the appetizer table, they will have six different kinds of nuts to choose from: whole natural almonds, salted roasted almonds, mixed nuts, salted cashews, mixed nuts (but without peanuts), and whole cashews.

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Dickinson’s Country Pumpkin Butter

Along with syrup, butter is a common item to have available when pancakes are offered, especially for something as important as a Thanksgiving meal. Cracker Barrel has you covered with their delicious pumpkin butter! The corn muffins you prepared earlier also taste better with butter although, unlike pancakes, it’s better to cut the muffins in half and put it inside. A cool thing about this butter is that it comes in a really nice glass jar that adds to the overall theme of simple country living. If you have a small butter knife that you use for special occasions, set this next to the jar for some extra style.


Cracker Barrel Coffee – Pumpkin Pie

While having lots of food for a Thanksgiving meal is all well and good, don’t forget the most important part of any breakfast: the coffee! Since coffee is drunk all throughout the year, you’ll need to make it themed for the holiday. What better way to do this than with a pot of pumpkin pie flavored coffee? If you want to surprise the coffee drinkers in your family, don’t tell them that you added an autumn touch to the drink. Let them figure it out for themselves and watch their appreciative faces as the take the first sip.

Pumpkin Cheesecake

After everyone has finished eating, tell everyone to wait around for just a little longer. Give your guests a little taste of what’s to come later in the day by bringing out a pumpkin cheesecake. This is the perfect way to end the first big Thanksgiving meal of the day. One of the best parts of this cheesecake is that you didn’t have to make it yourself! All you did was go to Cracker Barrel and get one that was already made. After having a piece yourself, you admit that it’s pretty good, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the one that you’ve prepared for dinner tonight!

Are you ready to include any or all of these foods at your Thanksgiving meal? Have you done similar things in the past? Let us know in the comments below!