How To Have The College Experience As A Commuter

So you’ve decided to stay home for college, huh? I don’t blame you. I did the same thing (after being away my first year.) The dorm life isn’t for everybody – but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have the same infamous college experience as you would if you were away. There’s really not much to it. In fact, it’s pretty simple. If you’re looking to have the college experience while still living at home, here’s how to do it:
1. Get Involved
Getting involved at your school is the easiest way to make new friends and immerse yourself into the school. I’m sure your school as plenty of options to choose from, so there’s bound to be one that sounds appealing to you. Whether you want to go Greek and join a sorority or fraternity, or simply join a club, you won’t regret choosing to do so. You just might meet your new best friends. Bonus: it will give you something extra to add to your resume, which is always a good thing.
2. Attend Campus Activities
This is another great way to immerse yourself in your school and make new friends. Find out what your school has going on and when and simply be there. I know it can be intimidating, especially at a new school where you don’t know very many people, but you’ll be glad you did.
3. Talk To Your Classmates
If you are going to ignore the first two tips, at least do this one. It’s arguably the simplest thing you can do to make some new friends. Especially if you go to a small school and are bound to see the same people in your classes semester after semester, it’s probably in your best interest to talk to them and get to know them. I met one of my college friends this way and so have countless other college students. Besides, your professor is almost certainly going to put you into groups at some point anyway, so might as well get to know your peers before hand.
4. Utilize Your Campuses Resources
Just because you are a commuter, doesn’t mean your school doesn’t have the same things as any other college does. Need help in class? Go to office hours. Need someone to talk to? Go to the counseling center. Need a way to de-stress during finals? Go to the library where there’s bound to be therapy dogs. Whatever you need, your school is bound to have it. You’re paying for it, so you might as well use it.
5. Bring Something To Do On Breaks
Instead of going home on your breaks, try bringing your laptop and extra books with you or something so you can at least stay in the library and get some work done. It doesn’t always pay to go home on your breaks, especially if they aren’t very long, so you might as well be productive at school.
6. Find A Buddy Who Lives On Campus
If you are able to, try making friends with someone who does dorm at the school. This can really come in handy if you want to try out the whole dorm living without actually living in a dorm. Also, it will give you a place to stay on your breaks if you have long ones and don’t want to go home.
7. Avoid Early Classes
Every college student wants to avoid the dreaded 8a.m. classes, but commuters want to be especially conscious of this. You don’t have the luxury of just rolling out of bed and walking to your class and finding the strength to get up, get ready, and drive to school all before 8a.m. is something you don’t want to do. Trust me.