How To Have A Lit Night Out On A Budget
by Nigel Wright
June 10, 2019

Have you ever used the “I’m broke” excuse to get out of going somewhere? You know, claiming you’re broke when in actuality, you either don’t want to spend the money you have or it’s already allocated to something else? I’d assume we all used it at least once.
Well, have you ever used that excuse and actually meant it? Like, you really do want to have a lit night out but you’re on a tight budget? I’d bet that it’s safe to say we’ve all been there at least once, too.
Whether that’s something that’s far too familiar for you or you’re just extremely frugal,by the end of this article, you’ll be glad you read it. Here’s how to totally enjoy your night out while remaining within your budget!
1. Know What to Expect
The quickest way to completely ruin your budget is by being blindsided with plans you didn’t know were happening. There’s nothing worse than allocating $30 for games and food at Dave & Buster, only to dish out another $30 going to a club your friends failed to tell you about.
With that said, always get the complete run down of tour itinerary for the night before you head out. It sounds simple and easy, but you never know what could happen and it can’t hurt to double check. The extra effort can definitely save you some potential dollars in the future.
2. Properly Plan Ahead
To get a better idea of how much of a hit your budget will be taking, do your due diligence and research the places you’re going while getting ready. Examine their menu and prices, as well as any specials or deals they may be having that day. If you’re going to a club or party, make sure you know how much the cover/entry fee will be that night.
Doing so gives you an approximate idea of how much money you’ll need, allowing you to budget around that and set an absolute limit of how much you’re willing to spend during the night out.
When getting these calculations together, it’s best to have your standards in check. If you know your pockets currently reflect a water with lemon, don’t feel pressured or obligated to order a tall glass of coke just because the rest of your party did. Very mild example, but you get the point. Your budget and its limits should always be in the back of your head when the time to order comes around.
3. Stay Within Your Means & Discipline Yourself
Building upon the last point of budgeting, the most important aspect of budgeting you should consider is the mental discipline it takes to stay on track. With discipline comes the temptation, and temptation can possibly ruin everything you’ve worked for up to this point. In those instances, though, remember just that; everything you’ve already done to assure a successful and budget friendly night out.
With a cap or maximum amount already established in the previous step, you should know how much you’re willing to spend and what amount you’d be uncomfortable with. If the place or event you’re planning on heading to for your night out falls more toward the line of discomfort, it’s best you don’t go. You may not want to be left out, and that’s completely understandable. But just imagine how you’ll feel the following day looking at your bank account. Not a good feeling.
Remember It’s Okay To Say No
It’s okay (and responsible) to say no sometimes! That function you’re missing won’t be the last, trust me. Think past the moment you’re in and have yourself instill the mindset that it’s for the better. Doing what’s best for you starts with YOU. At that point, the aforementioned discipline will transition from being a habit into a way of life, and being financially responsible will become second-nature.