Categories: College Life

How to Have a Great First Day of School

As August is upon us and summer is quickly drifting away, this means only one thing fall is coming, and so is school. The first day of school and classes can be anxiety-ridden, stressful, and exciting. However, as someone who’s going to be a college senior, I believe I have perfected the way to have a good first day of school! If you’re someone who doesn’t love school, your first year at college, or you’re just looking for advice and tips on how to have a good first day of school, I highly recommend reading this article and hearing what I have to say. These tips also excite me on the first day of school and classes. I know this is a hard time for people to transition back to school after coming back from home internships and summer jobs. So I find that some of these tips and tricks just helped me acclimate to college and the structure of a new schedule and classes.

1. Cute outfit

For me, a big goal is to get myself excited for the first day of school, which will help me have a good first day of school! So if you want an excellent first day of school, you must pick out a cute outfit. It could be something new you brought over the summer or just your favorite clothing item. A cute outfit will help you feel confident and comfortable entering classes and new environments and meeting new professors. It’s critical because it gets me excited to wake up early to prepare for school. I love that I have a cute outfit picked out the night before. A cute outfit helps alleviate any anxious feelings that you might have when waking up in the morning. If you don’t have your outfit picked out the night before, you might feel a little stressed when you wake up because you’re unsure what to wear. So if you’re looking for a good first day of school, I recommend picking a cute outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable.

2. Supplies

I know this seems obvious, but you would be surprised about the number of people who haven’t even ordered their books by the first day of school. I always recommend ordering them from the bookstore before the first day of school so that this way you can take them up that first day or a day or two before. It helps me have an excellent first day of school because I know I have all my supplies and textbooks before even stepping into a lecture room. I like feeling prepared; it just makes me feel more comfortable. So I always recommend ordering your textbooks in advance, and if you end up dropping or changing courses, you can always return these books to the bookstore and get your money back or exchange them for a different textbook. I think it’s always best to be over-prepared than underprepared. Also, stop at your school store or staples before school starts and pick up a notebook or folder, some fresh pencils, or anything you like to use around the school year. I always think it’s best to feel prepared to have a good, safe school.

3. Know where your classes are

If you’re looking for a good first day of school, I recommend you know where your classes are before your first day of school. Maybe the day before leaving your apartment or dorm, walk the route of your first few classes. It will help you feel more comfortable with the campus and give you an idea of how far you are from certain buildings. Knowing where your classes are will help you know when you need to wake up and where to go. It enables you to feel like you’re not going to get lost on your first day of school. To me, this is a very comforting feeling that I know where my classes are. If you’re trying to have an excellent first day of school, I would walk around your campus and figure out where your classes are the night before so that you have peace of mind when waking up the next day. In my opinion, there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re late to class, then getting lost, and then feeling anxious and stressed. It’s me; this is no way to start a new semester.

4. Check your email and portals

If you’re looking for a good first day of school, I recommend checking your academic portals and email. Sometimes teachers send emails or post homework assignments or information they would like you to have before class starts. So I would check those portals and refresh that email frequently before your first day of classes to ensure that you’re not missing anything. I think there’s nothing worse than showing up for your first class and realizing that you’re already behind. If you’re looking for a good first day of school, stay on top of those emails and academic portals!

5. Set your alarm

Make sure to take the time and effort to set your alarm the night before. If you want to have a good First day, you must wake up on time. And give yourself a couple more minutes to make sure you can either hit that snooze button or, because this is the first day of school, you might be a little slow getting ready. You might want to take your time. So, set your alarms the night before and give yourself more time than usual. If you want an excellent first day of school, you should set your alarm clock the night before!

See Also

It is exciting that classes are resuming in the fall, and we all get to go back and see our friends and roommates and be back on campus. If you want a good first day of school, I highly recommend following these five tips and suggestions. They’re going to make your first day of school a little bit easier, and you’ll be able to feel calmer and more secure. These tips and tricks have allowed me to have an excellent first day of school, so I hope they help you. Good luck on this semester’s head!

Camilla Berckemeyer

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