Here’s How To Handle Moving To A New City Alone

Moving to a new city can be scary, especially if you are going it alone. It can seem exciting at first, but as soon as the initial emotions wear off, the nerves can set in. Settling in a new city can take time. Here are a few tips to help you with moving to a new city alone.
1. Ask co-workers to introduce you to people
Get to know your co-workers and see if they want to get together for happy hour after work. Ask them to invite their friends so you have the opportunity to meet more local people. Having people in the neighborhood that you know allows you to feel more comfortable.
2. Attend events near your home
Getting out and about in your new city is a great way to meet people who share the same interests you do. Go to concerts and other community events. Introduce yourself to vendors and strike up conversations with other participants.
3. Eat and shop locally
One of the hardest thing about moving to a new city alone is stepping out of your comfort zone. While it may be tempting to eat and shop at chain stores and restaurants that you are familiar with, try shopping and eating at small businesses and restaurants. You will get a better feel for the culture of your neighborhood and allows you to get to know local people.
4. Take a class at a local school or gym
Have you been wanting to take up crocheting or kick up your fitness routine with pilates? Take a class in something you have been wanting to learn. Not only will you pick up a new skill, you will also be able to meet people who are also interested in what you are.
5. Do things alone
While doing things alone make seem scary, it is a great way to grow into your city. Do not be afraid to venture into the city alone. It gives you a chance to let your individual personality shine as you meet new people and allows you to do what you want.
6. Walk around to get a feel for the city
While you may be tempted to take a train, taxi, or car to where you need to go, walking allows you to soak up the details of your neighborhood. You will be able to see things you would miss if your took public transportation or had to focus on the road.
7. Introduce yourself to your neighbors
A couple days after you settle into your house or apartment, make it a point to introduce yourself to your neighbors. Go around to them and get to know them. Host a get-together to have them come over so you can meet them as a group. Ask for tips about the neighborhood and city.
8. Avoid the temptation to fit in
While you may be tempted to try to fit in with your surroundings, you need to let your own personality shine. While it is okay to adjust to your city, do not let your city change who you are and do not settle in terms of you as a person.
9. Find a place to be a regular at
The fastest way to go from moving to a new city alone to living there is becoming a regular. Whether it’s a bar, bookstore, or coffee shop, having a place where you are known is a great way to meet new people. Even if it is just those that work there! They can keep an eye out for you and connect you to people and events that are relevant and meaningful for you. If you are sick, being a regular at a place allows you to have people who will check in on you to make sure you are okay.
10. Find a faith group that you feel at home with
If you belong to a particular faith, finding a local place of worship or faith group allows you to connect with those who share common beliefs. This allows you to stay grounded in your faith and find a community of people to spend time with. You may have been forced to go to a particular place of worship when you lived with your parents, but you are now free to choose where you go.
What was the scariest part for you about moving to a new city alone? Tell us in the comments!

Ashley is a recent graduate from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with her Bachelor's in journalism. She love writing articles about music and Philadelphia. Ashley would love to pursue a career in journalism in New York City.