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How To Give Someone A Pinterest Worthy Going Away Gift

How To Give Someone A Pinterest Worthy Going Away Gift

Going away gifts are a great way to show a friend or coworker that they will be missed. Don’t worry about being clique with these Pinterest worthy ideas. For those starting a new adventure across the state to those venturing across the country, we got you covered. Let them know they will be missed and you are rooting for them.

1. “Blue” Basket

We’ll be so blue without you. A great play on words, also makes for a perfect going away gift! The idea with this gift is to fill the basket with items that are all blue. Think wrappers, packaging or color for inspiration. Don’t limit the gifts to just trinkets, you can also gift food items. Personally, we would prefer food! Some ideas to get you started: nail polish, Oreo’s, bubbles etc. Check places like your local dollars store or hit up Target’s dollar sections!


2. “Open When…” Cards

This gift is just as fun to make as when it’s time to be opened. Open when cards are meant for the little and big moments in life. When a friend is moving away, they might experience all these times by themselves and it can be overwhelming. By opening these cards during these moments it can ground them and make them feel not alone. These cards can contain sweet notes, pictures or even gift cards. Decorate and label the envelopes so the receiver knows which occasion to actually open them up on. 

3. Road Trip Basket

Sentiment meets practicality when it comes to this going away gift. When a friend or coworker is moving away, especially if it’s a big move, they most likely are driving not flying. What better way to help get them through the drive than a road trip basket! If you’ve ever driven for long distances, you know how daunting it can be. Make sure to include snacks, hair ties, chapsticks and coffee/drinks. These little items can make all the difference and lets your friend know you are thinking about them on their new adventure.


4. Miles Apart Crafts

When friends are like family, it can be really sad when they have to leave. Even though you’re happy and excited for their new adventure, it can really bum you both out. T’here are many ways to remind each other you’ll still be in each other’s lives! The miles apart craft ideas can be tailored made for you and your BFF. The saying most typically used is “miles apart but close at heart”. This quote can be transferred to a variety of crafts like coffee cups, frames, jewelry and more. It’s a little something to remind each other friendship doesn’t change just because distance does.


5. House Warming Basket

Maybe someone’s moving into their first house or apartment? Maybe their moving in with a SO? Either way, you can send them off with a house warming going away gift! It’s a nice little gift but also has well wishes that come with it. Wine so your life is fruitful and salt so your life has flavor, among other items. Tailor it so the basket comes with your friend’s favorites flavors and items. Another spin on this basket is to give a house cleaning basket, to they have everything they need to make their new place spotless. 

6. Gift In A Jar

If you want to upgrade from a gift basket, try a gift jar! This gift jar is great because it is a two in one. Not only does it allow you to carry all the gifts in one container, the person can repurpose it as well. Simply fill the glass jar with snacks, small trinkets or whatever favorite items the receiver likes. Secure the lid and even add a ribbon tied around it. The options are endless and the receiver is sure to love it because it came from a friend.


7. Miss You A Latte Box

We love this latte box! Some people want diamonds, but we want coffee. The miss you a latte box is so cute, you might end up keeping it for yourself! Perfect for the coffee lover in your life that is moving away. This going away gift will be filled with all their favorite coffee products. Fill the box with coffee, creamer, sugars, etc. Add in a cute mug so they will have something to drink out of once the coffee is ready. Don’t forget to decorate the box for added sentiment and visual appearance.

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8. Map Photo Frame

Never forget where you came from with this meaningful gift. The map photo frame is the perfect way to still stay connected with family, friends and coworkers. The map print has two parts. One part shows where you started and the part other shows where you’re going. Once you have the pieces arrange how you want, use a photo mat to keep them in place. Place in a frame as is, or have loved ones and friends sign the frame. They can include well wishes and love notes. This way you know you’ll always have a little piece of them with you.


9. Homesick Care Package

If you’ve ever left home, you know being homesick is a real thing. It makes sense when you’re in an unfamiliar place. To make it a little easier for someone who is leaving home, for work or an adventure, make them a homesick care package! They will love that it brings a little bit of home to them. Include snacks or beverages that only come from the area (shout out to Michigan and Better Made Chips). Or pack a candle or lotion you know they love and will use. Sometimes, it can be the small things that bring the most comfort!

10. Memory Jars

When a friend or coworker prepares to leave for their new life adventure, you should support them! However, it can also be important to let them know how much fun you’ve had over the years. Give them a memory jar as a cute and creative going away gift! Have close friends and family members write down their best memories with that person. You can color code the experiences or leave them as is. Once you have all of them, place in a cute jar for safe keeping. The person leaving is sure to love reminiscing and remembering the good times.


Which going away gift is you’re favorite? Which one will you make next time you need one? Comment and share with us below!

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