Categories: Dorm Room Love

How To Get Your Dorm Room Into The Holiday Spirit

Decorating can be stressful when you don’t know what to buy. It can be sad when you realize you don’t have the money either! But let’s face it, decorating for the holidays, in your dorm room, shouldn’t be stressful. They should be filled with love, joy, and laughter! With those in mind, finding everything you want to decorate with on a budget can seem far from possible, so here are some ideas to get your dorm room into the holiday spirit!

1. Lights

String lights can make any space bright and more inviting! In this case it can also put you in a holiday mood! This is one of the easiest ways to spice up your space, all you’ll need are hooks and an imagination for making your room the best you can! Lights are great for the late night feelings you get when you miss home and need a little something. They just get you!

It’s amazing to look at lights and be able to think of the holiday shenanigans you used to get into. It’s one of those moments that make lights so incredible!

2. Get A Tree

Or anything that makes your holidays, holidays! Put something that is the staple of your holidays in your space. There is nothing that scream Happy Holidays than one thing that is your center of the holidays. You’ll want something that you can feel close to or just look at it and feel warm inside! A decoration like this should be cute and make you smile when you see the completed result! And trust me, your dorm room will thank you for this addition!

3. Get Those Scents Going

Candles or incense can help make anyone feel a little something in their hearts. Just like home baked cookies or brownies, smelling these lovely scents will make anyone who walks into your room jealous that their dorm room doesn’t smell as good as yours. This is also good if you need a reminder of your home and the way it smelt when you weren’t in college. Who wouldn’t want a little smell of home in their dorm rooms!

4. Music

This is one of the most obvious thing you can fill the room with, but it is the most cost effective! Just listening to music will give you the feels and motivation to decorate your dorm room! Even if you are three months ahead of the holidays or just need a little pick me up, music is the best way to get those bells jingling!

5. Colors

Decorate with colors of the holidays! Get creative! Use streamers or other products from the dollar store to create the home-y feel of the holidays. Your dorm room will be bright and airy with joy! No one will want to get out of your room! 

When you have the ability to create a great space for the holidays, you won’t want to over due it or put too much color into a small dorm room. Don’t over kill the theme, compliment it!

6. Remembering Decor From Home

The best part about the holidays is being able to take a little bit from home and making it a part of your decor! From a wreath to a ordainment from a Christmas tree, nothing can be too big or too small to make your dorm room feel like home! 

The thing about decorating your own dorm space is the amount of freedom you have to put your own stamp on it! Always think outside the box! You never know when a good decoration will come along!

7. Tapestry

Tapestry is great for when the holidays come. They can cover a large wall without too much hassle and can be taken do fairly easy! These can always be your only decor you put up in your dorm room, but it doesn’t have to be! 

Tapestries can make a space inviting and make it the first thing everyone sees when they walk into your room! The one thing you don’t want, though, is too bright or too dark of a tapestry. You want something that compliments the space you’re in. It may take some searching to find the right one for that wall of yours!

See Also

8. Memories

Making memories and looking back on them are some of the best things to do during the holidays! Hanging pictures on your wall should with a cute festive banner is a great non-expensive way to put a little something on your walls. Whether there’re pictures from home, with friends, or ones taken last week, it’s always nice to look back on the times you’ve had with the people by your side!

Memories can help you feel better about why you can’t be home and can have a positive effect on you during the holiday season! So think back to high school or the best parts of the holidays which your friends!

9. Draw

Printing pictures from online and coloring them are get and inexpensive ways the decorate and have a little fun at the same time! This also gives you a reason to take a break from school work or studying and let your mind wonder a little bit before getting back to those books!

Drawing can also help you meet new people and create decoration for their room too! It’s always nice to draw with a friend!

Having the opportunity to find yourself at college can be great, but not feeling homesick during the holidays impede on how you grow during your time there. The holidays are one of the worst parts on being away at school, though it doesn’t need to be! If you can, make the cookies your mom used to make. Don’t be glum at the fact that you are not home to decorate the tree, just be happy you have your own little place you can decorate yourself!

Do you have more ideas? How do you get through the holidays in college? Do you use any of these ideas? Tell us in the comments below!
Brooke Barup

Brooke is a senior at Western New England University in Springfield, Massachusetts, and is majoring in Creative Writing with a minor in Education. She is from Waterbury, Vermont, and loves her puppies and kittens which are currently at home waiting for her. Brooke is a dedicated student and spends most of her time working and study.

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