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How To Get Rid Of Sweat Stains On White Shirts

How To Get Rid Of Sweat Stains On White Shirts

No need to buy a new shirt when you can easily save the one you have! Keep reading to learn how to get rid of sweat stains on white shirts.

Nothing will ruin your crisp white dress shirt quicker than a sweat stain. It sucks, but it happens to the best of ’em. No need to buy a new shirt when you can easily save the one you have, though! Keep reading to learn how to get rid of sweat stains on white shirts.

What You’ll Need

  • Dish Soap
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Baking Soda

How To Get Rid Of Sweat Stains

Mix equal parts of your ingredients together in a small bowl. You’ll want the mixture to be the consistency of a paste. (Consider testing a tiny patch of your shirt before doing the entire thing to make sure it won’t stain even further.) Then, apply the mixture directly to the area of the sweat stain. Work the mixture into the stain using either your fingers or a toothbrush.

Next, let the mixture sit. After at least an hour, wash the shirt in the washing machine. After that, your shirt should be good to go!


Alternative Methods

If you don’t have those ingredients, crush 2 aspirins and mix them into about a 1/2 cup of warm water. Place the stained part of your shirt into the water and let sit. After about 3 hours, throw your shirt in the washing machine and let the rest of the magic happen!

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If you don’t have aspirin, try lemon juice! Mix together equal parts lemon juice and warm water in a bowl. Again, let the stained part of the shirt sit in the mixture for about 3 hours. This might just be the Hail Mary that works!


Lastly, if the sweat stain is new, do NOT wash it on a warm cycle! Always use cold water as soon possible, it will prevent the stain from locking into the fabric and ruining your beloved white shirt.

Do you have any tips on how to get rid of sweat stains? Let us know in the comments below!
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