If you are going into college or are just fresh out of college, there is often much worry surrounding what the next step is after graduation, how you will support yourself and most importantly, how you will make yourself happy in a career. Your young adult life is a perfect time for self exploration, learning how you want to contribute to the world and learning what makes you eager to get up every morning. There is endless opportunity out there to carve out the life that you want before all your responsibilities settle in and you have to raise a family of your own. Some people know right off the bat from a young age what they want to do for the rest of their lives and plan everything accordingly to achieve those dreams. Others go into college with no clue who or what they want to be. Read on to find the best career for you based on your personality and how you look forward to the future and all the good things it has in store.
You have probably heard your parents say many times over that you should try out as many activities as possible when you are young. Teachers are always encouraging students to join as many clubs as possible in high school and in college, there are hundreds of organizations at our fingertips. All of this is so young people can explore many facets of themselves and their personality, and hopefully guide them toward a career path in the future. Use all of these resources to your advantage and learn as much about yourself as possible while you still can. While many are well past the age of ten, there are still ways to discover more about oneself. Take up a guitar or cooking class outside of school. Enroll in dance classes or volunteer if you feel that is where your heart is being drawn to. There is always more to learn and discover when and where you feel your most self.
Another way to find a career that you feel will be most fitting to you is by looking back at everything you have tried, failed at, or accomplished in your life and where you felt most happy and successful, the two key ingredients to your perfect career. Has figure skating been your true passion for many years? Do you have a keen eye for fashion or solid painting skills? If you feel true happiness in your life is something you are no longer doing, take it upon yourself to explore this passion even further and see if one, you can see yourself doing this more many, many years, and two, if you can monetize this activity and support yourself financially.
Equally important to discovering what sets your heart on fire is ruling out what you absolutely have no interest in doing or feel like just is not you at all. If you know that babysitting kids is not your mojo, then maybe working at a daycare center is not your calling.
Another great way to figure out what you may be good at and not so good at is to try out different jobs and internships throughout your young adult life before you really have to commit to one career in particular. When you are in high school try out summer jobs like lifeguarding, working at a department store or babysitting. Through smaller jobs like these you may find that you enjoy spending the majority of your time outside or working with little kids. When you reach the college level, however, you may want to try out internships at professional workplaces to see what you may want to do as an actual career.
When you are in college, it is your last opportunity to learn as much as you are full time. Take any classes that interest you that may have nothing to do with your major. These classes can be a good escape from the everyday pressures you may have in your other weighted classes. You may also find that you find one of your electives very interesting and you want to explore it more or potentially make it your major. You will always be surprised in college and will constantly be discovering new things about yourself every day.
Before you graduate it is very important to do your research on many different jobs and different locations you may be interested in living in. There are many things you need to assess about your personality, your lifestyle and what will make you happy overall. If you like to live a lavish life, consider finding jobs that offer you this lifestyle or if you need to be near mountains and hiking every weekend, look into living places like Colorado and Montana so you are satisfied during your free time.
In the end, following your gut is always the answer with big decisions like these. Do not make any impulse decisions when accepting your first job or with moving anywhere permanently. In the end, everything will work out the way it is supposed to as long as you continue to remain open to new possibilities.
Essentially, there are many ways to discover what the best career is for your personality and interests. The whole process begins at a young age when your parents put you in sports, outside classes or extracurriculars. It then goes on to smaller jobs throughout high school when you begin to be more serious about the college you want to attend and what you want to study. While these smaller jobs are great for making extra cash, take advantage of them to discover what you do and do not like in the workplace. You then transition to internships in college when you discover what a true job is like and what it means to work 40 hours a week. After college you are on your own and you need to take all that you have learned and apply it toward your career. This is all possible with a determination and motivation to bring your passions to real life. It may be difficult, but soon you will see where you were meant to fit all along.
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