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How To Feel Sexy And Happy At Any Size

How To Feel Sexy And Happy At Any Size

We live in a time where body-shaming is a huge issue and some days it feels almost impossible to have confidence. We all come in different shapes and sizes and it is so important to realize that having confidence starts with loving yourself for who you are (as cliche as it sounds). Some women are naturally thin, some are naturally thick, some are into fitness and love their muscles, and the list goes on and on. No matter what your body type may be, you are sexy and you can slay the game. These are some tips for how to feel sexy and happy no matter what size you are!

1. Look to yourself for confidence instead of other women.

If you are constantly comparing yourself to other women, you will never be happy; it’s unfair for you and for them. The confidence to feel sexy is within yourself, so look for it. Stare in the mirror and re-assure yourself that you are sexy, even when you feel far from it.

2. Wear clothing that makes you feel good.

There are so many different styles of clothing to wear. If you feel the most confident in a tight, mini dress; wear it! If you feel the most confident in a sweater; wear it! You need to wear whatever makes you feel sexy and say screw you to anyone else who doesn’t agree. Because you will never feel sexy if you are in something that makes you feel uncomfortable.


3. Do things that make you feel good.

Doing certain activities can actually help you gain confidence. If going for a run makes you feel good, then do that. Whatever it is that gives you the feel good vibes, channel it! That positive energy helps you feel your sexiest and happiest!

4. Avoid behaviors that cause you to put yourself down.

Sometimes we do things that we know are no good for us. Let’s say whenever you go to the bar with a certain friend for drinks, your mood goes down and you suddenly find yourself thinking negatively. These are behaviors that need to be avoided at all costs.

5. Eating healthy at any size is a must.

No matter what size you are, you need to put healthy food into your body. No one is saying you can’t indulge on your favorite pizza now and then. You just have to be conscious of the foods you are putting into your body because they can have a negative impact on how you feel and think. If you constantly are snacking on junk, chances are you are going to feel like shit. Make the change for the better of your body and your health!


6. Be the change you need for yourself.

At the end of the day, if you are not happy with the person you are, no one else can get you there. No one can make you feel confident, sexy, and happy but yourself. We all have things we hate about ourselves. Instead of dwelling on them, it is time we change them and take charge of our happiness!

7. Work out, not to lose weight, but to feel good.

Working out isn’t only meant for gaining muscle and losing weight. When you work out, your body releases endorphins, which ultimately gives you the feel good vibes. If you are having a bad day and feel terrible about yourself, try exercising. Working out can be walking, dancing around your living room listening to your favorite jam, or lifting weights. No matter what your form of working out is, do it! Your body will thank you.

8. Do things that put you out of your comfort zone.

Every now and then, you need to step out of your comfort zone. If you are someone who lacks confidence and tends to be more reserved due to that lack of confidence, stepping out of your bubble can help!

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9. Find the things you love about yourself and emphasize it.

Do you have a great sense of humor or ability to start a conversation with anyone in the room? Or do you love something physical like your legs? Find whatever it is that you love and really make it shine.

10. Create your own sexy.

There is no single defining factor for what is considered sexy. Whatever makes you feel sexy and feel your best, then that is your own definition of sexy. Keep to that and don’t try to be someone else’s sexy.

Do you have any other tips for how to feel sexy and your best!? Share in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!

Featured Image: weheartit