How To Entertain Yourself With Nothing While Your Boyfriend Plays Video Games

If your boyfriend likes playing video games a lot, but you don’t usually play with him, you probably spend a lot of time wondering how to entertain yourself with nothing. Sure, video games can be cool and entertaining sometimes, but not every day or every moment of the day. It would be great if he stopped playing to hangout with you, but sometimes he’s too invested, or you’re doing your separate things, or you live together and he’s taking his day off. So instead, read on to find out how to entertain yourself with nothing.
1. Meditate
While he lets his brain melt a little, you can practice flexing yours. Meditation is always a great way to entertain yourself, or rather, to remove the need for you to be entertained in the first place. Practicing mindfulness can help you reduce stress, increase focus, and help you to find inner peace, so any free time you have would be well spent honing your most zen self.
Perhaps you think that the loud video game noises and his constant narration of everything he’s doing would get in the way of your *blissing out,* but the practice of blocking out these distractions will actually help you cultivate inner peace. Although at first these distractions will be a roadblock, once you’ve learned to coexist with the noise, it won’t bother you at all.
2. Overthink Your Entire Relationship
If you want a much less zen suggestion for how to entertain yourself with nothing, reconsidering being in a relationship with someone who ignores you to play video games is a great way to fill your time. Although an hour or two is fine, if you watch video games for days on end, you’ll probably start to question what you’re doing with your life anyway. It’s only natural that this self-reflection would turn into an examination of your entire relationship, which so easily leads to a reexamination of your compatibility, your directions in life, how your value systems match up, and so on.
Do you really want to date someone who ignores you for video games anyway?
3. Do Kegels
If your relationship is more of a video game and chill situation, you can prep for the chill part of your hangout by doing the Kegels that you never ever remember to do. Kegels are an awesome way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which in turn will give you better orgasms! If you have really great control over your pelvic floor muscles, you can also flex them during penetration for a tighter fit. If you still aren’t convinced that Kegels are a great way how to entertain yourself, know that it’s actually challenging to figure out how to flex the right muscles, and that it will take some practice and concentration. Who doesn’t love a little challenge with a big reward?
4. Solve All The Mysteries In The Game For Him
If you’re lucky, your boyfriend is playing a game that’s actually interesting. Get invested in the story of the game and then proceed to solve all the mysteries and puzzles that pop up for him. For some reason, when you’re in the game you seem to miss little things that seem very obvious to those who are watching. Although there are people who will be annoyed by this, there are also people who will be appreciative that you’ve saved them time and frustration.
Personally, I find the second type of person to be WAY more appealing, which works out because the first type of person would probably hate me pointing out the obvious to them anyway. Win-win for you to find out which type you have now though! Solving problems is important in a relationship, after all.
5. Verbally Analyze His Combat Skills
Another great way to get involved in the video game itself is to get extremely invested in the fight scenes. Although there are video games that do not have combat in them, there are also so many that do, so take advantage of this opportunity to help out. After all, the harder the game gets, the better your boyfriend will need to be at combat in order to keep leveling up.
If he doesn’t realize that he can activate a shield, that timing is important, that there is a special potion he can drink, or that the monster he’s fighting has a weak spot, I encourage you to point that out. This way, you won’t have to listen to him losing the same battle seventeen times or deal with the frustration that comes from that either. Plus, it’s fun to react to his gaming like he does to sports, right?
6. Eat Crunchy Snacks
Chips, hot Cheetos, celery with peanut butter, oatcakes, popcorn, cheese and crackers, apples, you name it! Snacks are basically inseparable from gaming, but the weird part is, the person gaming doesn’t end up eating many of them because their hands are always on the controller. No need to bother yourself with that fact though.
Eating crunchy snacks is a fun way how to entertain yourself with nothing for two reasons: not only are crunchy snacks delicious, but they also have the possibility of annoying more sensitive gamers, which is great for all my mischievous friends. Opt for healthier snacks like olive oil popcorn or apples, or give yourself a treat and chow down on those hot Cheetos you love.
7. Plan Your Outfit For Tomorrow
Another form of entertainment that you can do with no additional materials is consider what you feel like wearing tomorrow to save yourself time in the morning. Maybe there is that one piece that you never know how to style because you don’t have time: this is the perfect opportunity to consider all the ways you can style that piece because you have miraculously found the time. Thinking and planning are both great ways how to entertain yourself with nothing.
You can also do this in reverse and consider all the ways that you can clean out your closet and move on from what no longer brings you joy. If things bring you joy that you also do not wear, consider making new rules for yourself like ‘I haven’t worn this in X amount of time.’ You are welcome, friends. You’re not actually doing it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be strategizing.
8. Give Yourself A Foot Massage
Self care can and should happen all the time! Maybe you’re sitting while your boyfriend plays video games because you are too tired from working or walking all day to move. This stationary opportunity is a perfect time to give yourself a foot massage because you weren’t doing anything anyway. A great way how to entertain yourself with nothing is to do something productive, and caring for your aching feet is absolutely a great way to do this. Try some scented lotion, or something with peppermint for a little relaxing tingle.
9. Brainstorm Better Date Ideas
If you’re sitting there watching your boyfriend play video games and wondering how to entertain yourself with nothing, maybe consider brainstorming some better date ideas that you wouldn’t get bored of. You can’t expect him to plan all the dates and expect that you will find all the dates interesting, after all. He could also be really bad at planning dates, which is how you got into this situation. Take some initiative! Plan something a little more engaging for you, or for both of you.
Also, consider that he didn’t plan any real dates because he didn’t realize it was important to you, or because he thought this was just a hook up situation. Perhaps consider communicating better so you can figure out what this is, and so your needs are being met. Planning better dates yourself is not only a fun way to entertain yourself, but a great way to meet your own needs. Having him right there can also help you gauge his interest level in different activities.
10. Make Lists
Making lists can be a lot of fun for people who like to be organized, productive, or who need help making decisions. You can make a grocery list, you can make a list of things you’d rather be doing, you can make a list of your strengths and how they might apply to different career paths, or you can make a pro and con list of a big decision you’ve been struggling with. The options are endless. If you can keep your boyfriend company while also getting something done, why not do it?
What are your favorite ways how to entertain yourself with nothing? Let us know what video games you’re playing, too!
Feature Image Source: via Pexels @samantha-kandinsky ,
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