Categories: Relationships

How To Ensure Your Honeymoon Phase Stays In Tact

If you have been in a relationship before, you are well aware of the “honeymoon phase.” The honeymoon stage is the blissful part of the relationship that happens in the first few months, where everything is new and fresh, and you are learning everything there is to know about each other and all your cute little quirks. But as the months go by, and you get more comfortable with each other, your relationship can unfortunately start to feel a bit stale. If you are wondering how to continue that honeymoon stage in your relationship, then here are some tips and hacks to get you started and prevent your own relationship from getting boring.

Keep Having New Experiences

Getting into a routine is probably the first thing that leads to a relationship going stale, especially for a new relationship, and that is the last thing we want if you are planning to keep things going. Go out of your way to try something new each week, or even each month. I know life can get in the way, but making time to go and try something new like ice skating, rock climbing, drive-in movie, or even doing something simple like going to a concern will help immensely. As long as it is something the two of you haven’t done before, then give it a try to keep your honeymoon phase intact.

Get Some Space

Do you know about the saying, “space make the heart grow fonder”? Well, that saying exists for a reason. If you are feeling a little bored in your relationship, then take a couple of nights for yourself. Seeing too much of each other can cause you to get into a routine that can be hard to break sometimes, especially if you are spending every minute of every day together. Taking the time for yourself will make you appreciate being with your partner when you are actually together. But try and do yourself a favor by not making it sound like you are thinking of breaking up with them; the wrong choice of words will do you more harm than good if you want to rekindle your honeymoon phase in your relationship.

Get A Hotel Room

Change up the scenery now and then! Having fun in an entirely new space will always cause a certain kind of thrill and excitement that will encourage both of you to get to know each other better, even if it is just for one night. Grab a bottle of champagne or wine to make the night even more special, especially when you don’t have to clean up after yourself afterward. Having a night where you are in your own little world helps with not having to worry about those menial little chores or bills that can ruin the mood is so worth doing if you plan to save your honeymoon phase.

Spice Up Your Sex Life

Yup, it can really all be solved by spicing things up in the bedroom. And even if it doesn’t solve anything, it will definitely help to try new things. Go and do some research on some different sex positions. You can only do missionary so many times before it starts to get a tad boring. Try and surprise your partner with a new position, or even better, look up new ones with him! Talk on what both of you want to try. Maybe go ahead and Whip-cream, chocolate, even that canned cheese spray will do the trick. Or try moving things out of the bedroom. It doesn’t need to be somewhere extreme. If you usually have sex in your own bedroom room, try having it on the couch in the living room, in the shower, or maybe even on the kitchen counter while making dinner! If it’s in someplace new, then I’m sure it will also inspire both of you to try new positions as well.

Just remember, communication is key when it comes to your sex life!

See Also

Recreate Your First Date

Reminding each other of the early days is also another great way to rekindle the honeymoon phase. The first few months are exciting and full of new things to do and new things to find out about each other. Go out of your way to dress up, even. Make it a night where you go back and remember all of the little things that made you fall for each other in to the first place. While getting into your routine of simply watching a movie and having some wine is always nice, but if you are doing your best to keep your honeymoon phase intact, you need to try and put a little effort in on these date nights. Just remind each other of the butterflies you had in your stomach when you first saw each other. Trust me, it will help.

Keep Them On Your Toes

To also try and keep your honeymoon phase intact, keep your partner on your toes. Surprise them with gifts and date nights. Overall, do your best to keep things interesting and fun like they were in the beginning. It doesn’t have to be large and wild gestures, but little things that show you care and want to continue on with your relationship. To keep your honeymoon phase intact, you will need to put in the effort, but not too much effort. If your relationship isn’t making you happy, then that’s an entirely different story. If you simply want a little more excitement like you had in the beginning, then try this tip!

If your relationship is getting a bit stale, and you’ve left the “honeymoon phase,” the blissful part of the relationship that happens in the first few months, where everything is new and fresh, and you are learning everything there is to know about each other and all your cute little quirks, then try the tips listed above! What did you think of these tips to keep your honeymoon phase intact? Do you already have your own ideas to rekindle the honeymoon phase altogether? Let us know in the comments below!

Images via
Laura Mauter

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