Categories: After College

How To Ensure You Have A Job When You Graduate

To have a job, it requires a lot of preparation with searching for openings, mental stamina to keep going, and applying for position. Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure you have a job when you graduate. 

Resume and Cover Letter

If you do not put yourself out there how are they going to know your just the person that a company is looking for to be a part of their business. There is a lot of information about resumes and cover letters out there.

Resume Tips

  1. Tailor your resume to the industry you are looking to be a part of.
  2. Read the job description and use the keywords in the resume.
  3. Make your resume standout if your industry is in a creative field.

Cover Letter Tips

  1. Show case your skills and talents
  2. Use the KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie) principles
  3. Be concise
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Don’t Settle

It is easy to settle when you apply to jobs and you do not get the one that you want right immediately, but don’t settle for something you do not enjoy. It can make it difficult to get out of the job or leave you unavailable to attend a job interview for position you want later. You have worked hard for your degree to have a job that is going to make you miserable. Confucius said it perfectly with the quote if you “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius once said. To have a job you want it is going to take persistence and dedication to get into a position that will make it never feel like you are not even working because you enjoy your job.


The old saying is “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Before you graduate, it is important to build a positive re pore with your professors, managers of job, supervisors from internships or organization administration. Because of there status in their position,it can offer a weight that gets you an interview and possible the job. I would suggest that you start having meaning full conversations with your professors, manages, and organization leaders. They are the people that know you the best and want to see you successes, but if they do not know you it makes it harder to get a recommendation. You can always start by meeting them for coffee or lunch, and if they have a job that you want, here is your chance to find out all the things that school does not share with you about getting a specific job. 

Photo by Seemi Samuel on Unsplash


LinkedIn is the best place to store all the jobs you have ever worked. With resumes it is important to display positions that relate to the position that you are currently applying for, but LinkedIn can be used as a catalog of all position you have ever had. It can help you remember the jobs that you work and the skills that you gain from the position. Take it from me after a few months or years it is hard to remember everything that I did at a specific job, so LinkedIn can help with that. Another way LinkedIn can be helpful is by allowing employers to see even more of your experience that you were not able to show case on your resume. Finally, you can find employment opportunities and connect with employers and people in your specific industry. 

See Also

Confidence in your ability

If you are not confident it will read in the way you apply for a position and on your face at any interview that you attend. Your probably wondering how lack of confidence can be identified with an application. If you are not confident in your abilities, you are likely to play down your skills where you do not go into details about your experience. You will some how figure out a way to tank your application so that you will not be chosen. In an interview confidence can be read on your face, the way that you make eye contact, and the way you answer the questions the interviewer ask. Being able to look the interviewer in the eye and share your experience will get you further in the application to have a job than if you do not have confidence. 

A tenacious mindset

The job market can be brutal in the application process. There are so many candidates with different experience, talents, and skills that separates them from each other. Sometimes you can do everything possible to have a job, and still come up short. That is why having a tenacious mindset is important. You have to be able to take a rejection not personally. It has to let the no propel you to a yes. By continuing trying by applying to more jobs and making more connections. If you do not give up you will be offered the job that is right for you. 

Don’t wait to the last minute

There is no rule that says you have to have the degree to apply to have a job in the field or industry that you want to work in. You have to be working towards the degree. The time to start applying to have a job in your field of study is in the fall semester right before you graduate. It gives you a opportunity to be on the radar of employers as well as being able to secure a job before you walk across the stage. It is a better feeling than feeling stressed about not having a job and being plagued with bills and student loans. If it is past the fall semester it does not mean to not try as hard it just means that you are going to have to try harder to compete in the job market. Regardless of when you apply there is a right job out there for you with your name on it. You just need to start applying to have a job of your dreams. 

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

To have a job is going to take work for employers to know your out there and a perfect hiring chose. Keep in mind some of these tips when deciding on a position to apply for now or in the future.  You have what it takes. Best Wishes!

Featured Image Source:
Maggie Manley

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