There’s something so expensive looking about those home decor pictures or Instagram accounts we all covet. It feels like it probably took hundreds of dollars to furnish and design that entire room, and having that kind of money is not something most of us can relate to. But the hopeful reality is that you can have that kind of room on a budget, at least when it comes to the wall decor. You can’t DIY that fancy AF couch, but you may just be able to recreate those well-crafted and expensive looking walls without spending all your pennies. Here are a few tips on how to decorate your walls, while still sticking to your budget.
The number one step to decorating your walls for cheap is to do it yourself. DIY crafts allow you to make cute decorations on your own, without having to spend 40 bucks on the same thing at Urban Outfitters. With Michael’s to supply you and Pinterest to guide you, the world is your creative oyster. You could see what limited options you have to choose from for moderately cheap at Target, or make that thing you really love yourself. Plus, when you’re in creative control, you have the ability to construct it exactly how you want, rather than go with whatever is pre-made. You can change the colors or materials. You are in fully in charge. And as long as you fully commit to whatever decoration you’re looking to make, they really can turn out just as cute as what you’d get in stores! This is one of the best ways to learn how to decorate your walls!
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If you’re not into making anything super fancy for your walls, but you still want a cheap option to take up a lot of space, shoot for a gallery wall. You can take care of decorating an entire wall, just by carefully covering it in things you love, whether that be whatever pictures and bits of memorabilia you have on hand, or prints and decorations you go out and make or buy. However intense you want to get with it is totally up to you. The best gallery wall I’ve ever seen my friend made simply by hanging up her favorite pictures and pretty shots she found in magazines or just around. The whole idea of the collage-like quality of a gallery wall is that it’s simple and easy and effortless, and some people can pull that off with barely any money spent. Fill your wall up with what you love to look at atheistically pieced together, and you can consider the main bulk of your decorating done. This is one of the most trendy forms of how to decorate your walls!
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If when you think of decorations, you only think of pictures and prints, there’s an entire world of decor possibilities you haven’t opened yourself to yet. To really save yourself money and come out with totally cute walls, you have to think outside of the box. From now on, whenever you look at something and like how it looks, think to yourself: could that be a decoration? Most of the time the answer is yes! People put all sorts of things on the wall with great results. Hanging flowers, tassels, silverware, matches, vases, branches, string! The options can be endless as long as you’re willing to get creative. Or you can just check out Pinterest to see who’s already come up with cool creative options you can steal for you own. It’s easier that way when learning how to decorate your walls.
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I, for one, do really love to have memories preserved on my walls through photos, but printing them out can get so expensive. The best way to deal with this problem is to utilize the online printing stores that have started popping up over the years. There’s Shutterfly, Snapfish, Mpix. Even CVS has taken to allowing customers to order their prints from home. Utilize these options to really rake in the deals each website frequently offers and save lots of money when it comes to ordering your pictures in any size.
If you want to save money decorating your room, but don’t want to have to craft and figure out each small piece of this very large puzzle, my advice is to go big, at least once. What I mean by this is to find a decorating choice you can make that takes up enough wall space in your room to make at least one wall totally taken care of. I say at least one, because I’m not positive having a big thing on each wall will look good altogether. You still need some variety to have a solid room aesthetic, but by picking some bigger options you could go from having to find and buy or make 10 decorations to only really needing about 5 or 6. The natural worry here is that bigger decorations will require more money, and that is the right instinct, but it’s not 100% true. There are lots of options that will take up big swaths of room without breaking the bank. Washi Tape is a great example of this. All you need to buy is a few rolls of your favorite colors or design, and you can put together an entire statement wall just by carefully placing some pretty tape for how to decorate your walls.
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Most of the time while you’re struggling with all that free wall space in your room, you’re simultaneously struggling with the lack of storage space. You’re going to buy more things to put on the walls, while you already have too much stuff to put away. So why not instead turn all that extra wall space into convenient and cute storage, killing two birds with one stone? Instead of looking for pure decorative pieces, you can hang baskets or storage boxes on your wall. They’ll hide away the items clogging all your drawers, but still look cute to any outsiders. You don’t want to just put clutter on display. You still have to be careful to make sure you’re filling the containers in a aesthetically pleasing way.
But lots of things you wouldn’t expect look cute as decoration. And the rest can maybe be stuffed back under the bed. You don’t have to be limited in this world of home decor by your lack of big bucks. There are tons of cheaper options that will leave your place looking cool and well put-together, just like you deserve. You just have to get in the right mindset, decide what you want and need, and put in a little elbow grease to get yourself there. You can rest in your super cute room afterward, proud of what you managed to do on a dime.
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*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
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